Chapter 20

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"Yes, that is usually what happens but Roza didn't want to sentence Tasha to death. Lissa, myself, Addie and Chris all wanted that but Roza refused."

"Why would you do that Roza she threatened to kill you?" Sonya asked. But Roza just shook her head so I answered for her.

"Actually as I said, Tasha has threatened to kill Roza three times, just this week. One of the reasons she refused to sentence Tasha to death is because Tasha is Chris's aunt. The second is because it was Roza that she threatened. If it had been anyone else, Roza probably would have killed her with her own two hands."

Babushka nodded, "yes, threatening our new queen is one thing to her, but threaten someone that she cares about and you are as good as dead." With that everyone that actually knew Roza nodded their agreement.

"Lord Ozera, I'm sorry about Tasha but I don't understand." Karo said.

"Thank you Miss. Belikova. I'll try to explain, Rose and I have been friends for years. She is my little sister and to keep from causing me any pain she decided to sentence Tasha to Tarasov instead of executing her. Tasha has been the only member of my family to have anything to do with me since my parents turned strigoi and were killed by the guardians. Although we all four tried to get Roe to change her mind she held fast to her position. So we had decided that since it was her that Tasha threatened the last word would be hers. And this is the decision that she has made, so we all acquiesced to her decision. It's as Dimitri and your grandmother said, if Tasha had threatened anyone else as she did Rose. Rose most likely would have choked the life out of her right where she stood. But Rose has always and will always put everyone else before herself. She has acted as a queen most of her life, doing things like this, although she did not know until a few years ago that she was in fact a queen. It's just how she is she's a mother hen."

"Hey, no more mother hen crap sparky." Again everyone laughed those two are definitely brother and sister in all but blood.

"Come on Roe tell me it's not true. Who in this room, other than our new arrivals, have you not mothered?"

Roza opened her mouth to answer, but then snapped it shut knowing she couldn't say she hadn't mothered everyone else in the room. 

"Fine." She humphed, again causing laughter to erupt throughout the room. "What is it pick on Rose day?" She mumbled.

Chris, Addie, Eddie and Mason all answered, "yes." And my beautiful woman just glared at them and each of them gulped and held up their hands in surrender.

"Roza you've meet my family so let's introduce your family to mine."

"Yes let's do that, before I have to punch one of the boys. Everyone this is my mother Janine Hathaway, my father Ibrahim "Abe" Mazur, my non blood sister Princess, soon to be moroi queen, Vasilissa Sabina Rhea Dragomir or Lissa as we call her, these are my non blood brothers; Lord Christian David Ozera or Chris, Lord Adrian Maximillian Ivashkov or Addie, soon to be my guardians novice Mason Kendell Ashford and Eddie Gabriel Castile, my second mother Guardian Alberta Petrova, my non blood aunt and present moroi queen Tatiana, I can't tell you her middle name or she'll try to spank me, Ivashkov." Everyone busted up with laughter at the last introduction. "My family meet Dimitri's family I know you all heard their names, so don't forget them because they are your family now too." My family tried to bow to Lissa, Chris, Addie and aunt Tati all of whom refused to allow it. Saying we are all one big happy family and family does not bow to family.

"Now, I know that you all meet Ivan, Art and Nick the other day so no introductions needed there."

Suddenly I felt Roza slap my chest lightly drawing my attention back to her. I gave her a questioning look and she said, "Baby look at Addie and Vika."

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