Chapter 6

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(TPOV continued) Tatiana

"Anna, would you notify the royal families and tell them to send at least one representative to St. Vladimir's next Saturday. Tell them nothing other than that I require their presents. Also tell them to bring formal attire for at least two affairs. Thank you, when you've done that you may do as you wish I won't be needing you any more tonight."

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Good night everyone I'm going to retire for the night. I will see you all tomorrow." I heard several 'goodnight your Majesties' as well as a few 'good night auntie', before my guardians and I exited the door.

(CPOV) Christian

"You know Liss I was thinking maybe I could represent the Ozera's that way maybe we could keep aunt Tasha in the dark until after coronation."

"That would be great Chris there's only one problem with that, the representatives must be at least eighteen years old."

"Yea, I know I was just trying to help Rose and Dimitri. You know how insecure she truly is where men are concerned. Even though she acts all tough on the outside she's got a very tender heart. And I just hate to see someone try to hurt her. We may act like we don't like each other much but she's the sister I never had." I told her hoping I hadn't let too much of my 'mushy side' show to everyone.

"I know Chris. But you and I also know she is a complete and total BAD ASS and if someone tries to come between her and Dimitri, she'll deal with them very harshly just as she should."

"Your right let's go get some rest." I said taking her hand to lead her to my room. Turning to tell everyone goodnight I noticed that everyone else was also leaving to turn in for the night.

(DPOV) the next day

I've been awake for an hour, just laying here watching my Roza sleep. She is truly an amazing woman, barley eighteen and already a queen about to start ruling our world. God, I am so glad Ivan insisted that I come to America. I really should call him to thank him and invite him to coronation. 

I'm going to ask my Roza to marry me soon all I need to do is get a ring and figure out how to make it perfect for her. Where am I going to get the money to get Roza the ring that she deserves as a queen? Maybe Lissa will help me figure everything out.

Rose must have been really tired because she's been asleep for almost sixteen hours. But then she did have quite a hectic day yesterday. We've already missed breakfast and lunch doesn't start for another two hours so if she isn't awake in an hour I'll wake her. But while she's still asleep I think I'll take a shower. 

After gathering my clothes, I go to take my shower hoping that Rose didn't wake up before I got back. While taking my shower I try to figure out the best way to go about proposing to Roza. Once I think I've finally have my game plan I exit the shower and get dressed then return to my Roza's side.

Laying back on the bed next to her I take her into my arms just as I hear her mumble in her sleep. 

"Mmm... Dimitri, I love you baby." 

I can't help the smile I felt spreading across my face. Just knowing that in the not too distant future this goddess will be mine and only mine forever and always. 

"Ohhh, baby please I need you so much... faster Comrade. Oh God baby yes, yes right there... oh God Mitri I'm gonna come baby... oh yes yes!... Come with me baby... come with me Mitiri." 

God I sooo need to wake her up or I am going to come. Just listening to her is making me ache with so much need for her I can barely contain it.

"Oh God Roza, baby please wake up you are killing me." I beg her trying my best to control my need for her. Then I see her eyes flutter and open to stare into my eyes. I can barely hold on to my self-control and I am known for my self-control but it slipping fast.

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