118 The Death of Yoshiro Takagi

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Yuna shut down her power. The pain in her heart grew in intensity. She began to tremble and sob harder. More tears pushed from her eye and mingled with the blood on her face.

Comforting, Shinji put his hand on hers. Then he entered into her thoughts and looked for the memories of last night.

He saw how she had given everything to protect her friends from Tirr. How she'd talked to the monster as if it was the most normal thing in the world. How they'd shared the sunset together.

Then everything became hectic as Yoshiro appeared. Within seconds, the situation changed for the worse and then they plunged into the depths.


Yuna stretched her hand out with all her might. There were only two or three centimeters between them, but to her it seemed like an endless, insurmountable distance. She reached again for him, but it was not enough.

"Forgive me, uncle."

They hit with a thud on the roof of the adjoining building. The girl heard the breaking and splintering of bones. She was pitched sideways, staring directly into Yoshiro's face, which was facing hers. A pool of blood began to spread beneath him. Tears gathered in her eye and her breathing sped up.


She pushed herself up. Tirr's screams could still be heard from the roof, but then he suddenly stopped. She looked up. Had he fled? They had only fallen like six stories. Fortunately, Tirr had thrown her over one of the buildings close to the Takagi-Tower. Her left arm, which had taken up most of the impact, was throbbing.

A groan came from the mouth of the Oni beside her.

"Uncle!" The girl forgot her pain and squirmed on her knees over to him. "Yoshiro!" She didn't dare to touch him. She didn't want to cause him even more pain.

"Yu... Yuna..." The glow of his eyes appeared when he opened them.

"Uncle!" The tears ran down her cheek. He lived! Thank God.

He took a shallow breath. "Are you all right?"

"Yes. What should I do?"

He squinted. "Tirr?"

"Vanished. He's gone."

"Good..." He exhaled, grimacing. A coughing shook him and blood splattered on Yuna's knee.

Intimidated she recoiled and looked at the stain, which ran from his mouth to her kneecap. "You need help. I'll get Kitsune."


"But he can help you. You will be healthy again."

He gasped for breath, while more blood dripped from his mouth. "I'm dying..."

Despair took possession of the huntress's heart. "No! You can make it!"

Tormented, Yoshiro opened his eyes. "I'm dying..."

"You can't die!" The flow of her tears became more intense. "You can't!"

"I'm... glad... you're... all right..."

"Don't leave me!"

Trembling, she stared at the Oni. Uneasy she shifted her weight back and forth, while she searched for a solution for this scenario. Yoshiro seemed to gather himself. He took a few flat breaths, then he stared directly into Yuna's eye.

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