That Same Old Moon

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This slightly early chapter is to make up for being late this week, & because of your votes!
I'm so exhausted from last nights banquet everything is tired ugh
But on the bright side we've got a bonfire today!!
Thanks for the support, enjoy!

"I need to talk to you." I said to Aaron.

After Cory threw his fit I stayed in the truck and drove to my brother's house.

Aaron had trouble getting Andrea. She was with someone else, but he loved her enough to try so hard. I couldn't remember the entire story, but in the end he got her. Obviously. I needed inspiration, I need advice.

"What," He said, stuffing his face with a protien bar and widened the front door so I could go in.

I took a seat on the same couch I woke up on when I was drunk. "I need to know how you won Andrea."

He stopped chewing and raised his eyebrows. "Huh, well, it's not really a long story..." He threw away his wrapper and took out two water bottles and handed one to me, him downing the other. "But okay."

Andrea was off limits, because she was one of his friend's girlfriends. Aaron was at some point, a dick. He just wasn't really happy with people, but that's how most of the Grimmie men were. We were just 'bitter.'

She was very casual with him and he knew he loved her right away. "So I didn't care about my friend, I knew he was no good for her." He told me how he couldn't just go and steal her away, with a girl like Andrea it wasn't that easy. "I tried so hard to show her that I could treat her better than he could. There was a lot of stuff she didn't know about him too, and I saw her drifting from him and I wanted to be there to catch her." What Aaron told me was what made me think harder than before, and it was rare for me. "It's all about how hard you try, Conrad. Without trying, there is no love. Macy made the first move before, now it's all on you."

I remember saying nothing, because I needed it to sink in. I had to try, hard. I never try, I never thought I had to. But it all made sense.

I wanted to read her eyes again, I wanted to tell apart her lies, I wanted to know if her smile was genuine, and I wanted her to love me. Now that she changed, I had to work for her.

I didn't know how.

It was all on me. "It's all on me." I repeated outloud driving back home. I had dinner at Aaron's. It was pretty late now and I needed to start thinking, figure out how to win Macy like Aaron did Andrea. The difference was, he never ruined his chances with her. So it would be even more difficult for me. Could I even do it?

Back at the house, no one was up. I walked up stairs and went into Xavier's room and shut the door.

"Oh you're here." He said sleepily.

"Yeah," I sat on the floor in front of his closet and he sat up to look at me.

"What do you want?"

"I'm gonna try and get her back." I said, making sure to be quiet.

Xavier straightened and narrowed his eyes at me. "I don't think that's a good idea." He said, expressing the opposite of what everyone else said for me to do.

"Why not?"

"She's actually happy with someone now, Conrad. She's getting married. You can't just go in and ruin all of that."

"But you're the one who said you didn't know." I said, inside begging he also held hope for me. But who was I kidding?

"I already told you, I was drunk. Just let it go."

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