The Story Behind Journey

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Hello everyone, I know it's been a while.
I just wanted to let everyone know the story behind Journey, and how he was based off the English Mastiff, Rocky, I had myself who also died of bone cancer last year.
He was born 12-3-2007, was an English Mastiff, and weighed over 200 lbs. He loved all foods, but his favorites were red apples and french fries(and he loved ice if that counts). He loved to sunbathe- preferrably around 3pm to 4pm. He had multiple nicknames- for some reason they always wound up beggining with a 'W'. They began from 'Rocky' to 'buddy' to 'bubbas' to 'bubby' 'wubbas' 'wubba bubba' and 'wubbath.' Yes, we added a lisp for some odd reason, but he loved it. He was the most gentle animal anyone would ever meet, he was a sweetheart, and like Journey, loved to sleep in our beds and take up all the room! He rarely barked, and was scared of thunderstorms. He had a magnificant sense of timing, for instance when I was in elementary school, he would know ten minutes ahead when I would be home from the bus and wait at the same spot. I tried to portray him as much as possible in Effort, and really hope I got across how much that baby smiled. :)
I'm so over joyed that I've shared his character with all of you, because eventhough my buddy is gone, I feel he is immortal through this story. Thank you for loving him, and thank you for sticking with me through Macy and Conrad's adventure.
Or should I say 'Journey?'

I love you all!
- cilla ♥

R.I.P.- Rocky R. Oliva
Above is a picture of him on his last days.

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