I Love You, Bella

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Hey guys. So, I've noticed my uploading has become dreary and frustrating, and I feel the same way. I'm very impatient, so I have a suggestion.

How would you all feel if I uploaded twice a week now? If you think it would be a good idea, just tell me what days you prefer and I'll figure it out from there.

For my new story, I decided to do the opposite and just upload once a week. That I'll also need your help on. Please tell me what day of the week you would like me to post Smile For Me and I'll get it done.

Thank you, and let me know

- cilla

My pen tapped my lip thoughtfully while I stared at a copy of my boss's blueprints. He told me to critique it. How was I supposed to critique perfection?

My phone rang again for the billion time that week. It was about two weeks after my confrontation with Macy and she hadn't spoken to me since. Why would she? We weren't friends. I ignored Aaron and Jole's calls and thought maybe she would call to check up on me. She never did.

So I ignored my phone all together; but I couldn't turn it off because I had to use it for work. It buzzed endlessly the regular ringtone, telling me it was nothing important.

It stopped a few hours later while I had on my reading glasses and read The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I found it in Matt's old room.

I was about halfway through the book when the doorknob wiggled, freaking me out. Is it her?? "The key is under the mat." I shouted.

The door opened soon after and Xavier rushed in and folded his arms on front of me. "Are you a dumbass?" He asked.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Seriously, what's the point of locking the door when you're just gonna let whoever in anyway? Idiot.."

I ignored him and kept reading. He grabbed my book and threw it behind him. "I wasn't reading that or anything." I said sarcastically.

"Are you a woman or something? Why haven't you been answering my calls?" Xavier demanded in frustration.

I stood up and shrugged, walking into the kitchen and fishing for stale fruitsnacks.

"Conrad." Xavier sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Shut up, Xavier." I told him.

"You're such a dick." He groaned. "I'm apologizing."

I turned around angrily. "Why?" I yelled. "For telling me the truth? Fuck you." I growled.

"You know what? No. Fuck you! You slept with my sister for gods sake! You left her the next morning and were probably the reason she barely talked to me when she left!" Xavier stepped towards me with nothing but hatred in his eyes. "Why should I be the one kissing up to you when you hurt my sister? God, I'm a terrible brother for keeping you around." He shouted. "You don't even love her like you said you did!"

"That's not true!" I shouted back, his accusation snapping my temper like a twig.

"Obviously it is, jackass. Or else you wouldn't have given up on her. When Carol found out I cheated on her, it was the fucking hardest thing to do, trying to get her back. But I never gave up because I actually love her."

"But I do love Macy. And you're my bestfriend, I stopped trying for you and you said she was happy!"

"No, Conrad." He got closer and was in my face at this time. My heart was beating a billion times faster from anger. And his was probably as well, because his face began turning red. "You gave up, because you didn't have a chance."

Effort At Its Finest (Brother's Bestfriend)Where stories live. Discover now