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i nearly fell to pieces in shock as the store worker led you to me. nearly fell when i saw you grin; the dimples in your cheeks deep enough to fill with the growing affection i already had for you.

“this antique mirror might do the trick. full-scale. european. sixteenth century, to be exact. we call her ellie.” the store worker told you about me, and i couldn’t help but glow with embarrassment.

“ellie?” my name on your tongue was breathless, and i immediately wanted to hear you say it again. you frowned in confusion, looking at the worker for an explanation.

“yes. the name is carved on her, on the back. we don’t know how it got there or who could’ve done it. she’s special, this mirror.” the worker told you as you studied me with a thoughtful expression, your head tilted in an adorable way.

i glowed with the heat radiating from your eyes as it reflected off of my surface. you were such a beautiful sight. did you know that?

“shiny.” you commented after a while, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.

i was so happy i could burst into shards at that moment!

“so...?” the worker had asked over your shoulder, prompting you to continue speaking.

“she’s...elegant. maybe too elegant for my sister, though.” you said with a chuckle, eyes sparkling as i continued to be under your scrutiny.

elegant. you called me elegant! e-l-e-g-a-n-t. elegant. my new favorite word.

EllieWhere stories live. Discover now