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lizzie!” your mother’s  voice greeted dramatically from downstairs, interrupting you. “i’m just so happy to see you!”

you rolled your eyes at your mother’s voice. “i’m guessing that’s my cue to go downstairs?” you didn’t sound too enthusiastic about leaving, and i didn’t want you to, either.

“i’ll be back later, ellie.” your voice was being drowned out by another loud, bubbly voice that probably belonged to your sister, “i promise.” you rubbed the side of my frame to reassure me of the fact before you turned away from me and disappeared out of the door.

you just left, and i already wanted you back here with me.

i could hear pieces of the conversation you had with your mother and sister from your room, and i wanted to join the three of you.

“...i’m totally psyched for my party this weekend!” i heard your sister say, “everyone’s going to be there! it’s going to be a-mazing! tucker said he got me something special, and he won’t tell me— ”

tucker?” your deep voice rose with the question, and i could tell you were smiling, “tucker marshall, right?”

yes, tucker marshall.” your sister lizzie replied sternly, “he’s my boyfriend, remember? why are you saying his name like that?”

you then chuckled, the sweet sound sending shivers through my frame. “oh nothing, lizzie. nothing. nothing at all!”

“aiden! that’s not funny!” lizzie squeaked over your laughter.

your laugh made me glow as it traveled through the house, but i wanted to see it. i wanted to run downstairs and see your fiery eyes spark, your dimples appear, and your curly brown hair bounce like i knew it would.

“lizzie, the huge gift table would be in this room...” your mother announced, “i found the longest table they had for all of the presents you’re going to get!”

“hmm...we might need an even longer table, mom. i invited more people than i thought, and i told them to get me lots of stuff!” lizzie said thoughtfully, and i began to wonder if people couldn’t have “sixteenth birthday parties” without long tables.

there was a long pause, and i wondered what was going on.

“...then what are you gonna get me, aiden?” lizzie sounded angry. “like, i’m totally positive—“

“i-i’m sure you’ll love whatever i got you, liz.” you cried nervously, “it’s a bit...um...small...”

“like a pearl necklace? diamond earrings?” lizzie offered with excitement.

“w-well—“ you began.

“your gift is nothing like that mirror in aiden’s room, though.” your mother spoke up with a chuckle.

it took me a moment to realize she was talking about me.

“you got yourself a mirror?” lizzie spat, “you know how much i love mirrors!”

“mom!” you groaned, stretching out the word.

“i have to get a look at this mirror!” lizzie yelled, and i heard footsteps on the stairs.

lizzie was coming to see me.

“w-wait!” i heard you scream, and i heard frantic footsteps join lizzie’s on the stairs, “liz! l-liz!”

i didn’t know what to do. i wanted to hide away. i panicked as the footsteps came closer.

suddenly, the door to your room swung open, and i finally saw her.

your sister, lizzie barnes.

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