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You just stayed in that position, frozen. What did you want? You shook your head vigorously and stood up. You weren't going to just easily give in to his sly tricks and decided it was best to leave at that moment.

"Minhyun! I'm leaving now enjoy your new housemate." You yelled as you struggled slipping on your sneakers.

You managed to put on your shoes and rushed to the lift. Not even close to a second Seungkwan rushes to your side. You heaved out a sigh and faced him. He was just standing there acting all high and mighty as if nothing happened. Once you reached the ground floor you headed out to the street walking straight to the bus stop. Just as you were about to take a step forward you felt him grab your wrist, dragging you to the other direction.

"Let me go, I'm heading home my mom's going to kill me if I get back home late."

"Who are you kidding, Minhyun told me your parents won't be home till Tuesday."

"Well, I just want to go home okay?"

"Well can you just accompany me take a stroll near the playground around the corner?"

You sighed and agreed to his request.

"You better stop sighing before I really kiss you."

"Shut up Seungkwan." You rolled your eyes and walked ahead of him.

He jogged next to you and matched his pace with yours.

"You sure you don't want to miss the opportunity of tasting this goodness?" He wiggled his eyebrows and you slapped his belly causing him to crouch in pain.

You were worried for a moment but he looked fine so you continued walking. Soon enough, you reached the playground. You stopped in your steps when a familiar ring reached your ears.

"Ohmygod it's the ice-cream man!!!"

You whipped your head to the direction of the sound and rushed to the cart to see Seungkwan already there before you.

"What flavour do you want young lady?" The sweet ice-cream man voiced out.

"I'll have a mint chocolate please! What do you want Seungkwan?"

"I'll get whatever you got, seems like we have the same preference of ice cream." He said as he slung an arm around your shoulders.

You paid for your share and Seungkwan paid for his. You both then decided to walk around the place while enjoying the treat.

"So, I guess you're moving soon right?"

"Yeah, my mom told me one of their branches had some emergency and it was going to take a long time to settle. But I'm kinda getting tired from moving around plus I've lost too many friends cause of this." You said while kicking a pebble nearby. 

"Then why don't you stay with Minhyun and me? I mean your parents would probably take a few months to settle right. What's the point of moving."

"Yeah, you're ri- hold up. How do you I was going to move soon? And no I'm not going to live anywhere near you."

"I just had a hunch I guess? I am Boo Seungkwan afterall." He proudly flipped his short hair with sass.

You walked to the swing nearby and sat on it while he sat to the one next to yours. You softly swinged your body allowing the cooling night breeze to graze your skin. For the next few minutes it was silent which was comforting but the next moment you heard a soothing voice which belonged to no other than the one that was sitting next to you.

As I count the stars that are spread in the black sky
I know that it’s so hard
But I won’t say anything, I’ll just wait for you

The Little Prince told me
That gaining someone’s heart
Is the hardest thing to do, come to me
The Little Prince said to me
It might be sad right now
But we’re never gonna be apart
That you’re going to want to laugh with me

You are the only person for me in this world
I’ll be your one and only friend
The reason the rose is so precious
Is that it tries to hard to bloom.

"Ryeowook's The Little Prince." The both of you spoke just as he ended the verse.

"It's one of my favourite songs." You let out a small chuckle and looked at his direction,

"Don't tell me it's yours too?"

He looked like he was about to deny it but he ended up nodding.

"I guess we have so much in common I can't count!" You laughed out your hearts content and stopped when your eyes came into contact with the night sky.

"The night's really beautiful, I really love the night scenery. I used to love the twinkling stars so much I begged my parents to pluck me a star when I was five. They bought me a set of glow in the dark stars and pasted it on the ceiling of my room instead and I loved it." You shifted your gaze to meet his.

He was still staring at the night sky. You carefully swayed closer to him making sure he doesn't realise you were coming close. Just as you thought it was the right distance and time, you pushed forward and pecked him on the cheek.

He faced you, shock written all over his face.

"Thank you Seungkwan, thanks for being such a great company to be with and for existing in my life. You're really something."

"Hey, You took a snap of me sleeping right?"

You nodded while chuckling since it was a pretty cute picture, you even saved it.

"Sleeping on MY shoulder may I add" you joked.

"Yeah yeah sure. Umm, uh by any chance did you save it?"

"I don't know, I may or may not have" you teased him, enjoying the sight of Seungkwan getting all fidgety.

You took out your phone and took a screenshot of your lockscreen and sent it to him.

So what do you think? Do I have it or no?

you typed and sent it through the messenger app.

He quickly checked his phone and you saw a smile creep on his face.

"Why do you have it as your lockscreen? Without my permission!! Wow! What a brave move miss." He looked up and questioned you.

"Cause I may or may not like you, try guess which one?"  You smiled all proud over your so called confession.

It hasn't been long since you knew each other well but like they say in dramas and stories it's the connection you felt.

From the first time he talked about your constant sighs, to the endless harmless teasing during class, to how you helped him out during his worse it just seemed like even if you weren't going to end up together, you'd still be the closest of friends. He was special.

"The Boo Seungkwan radar never goes wrong, so i'm saying you like me and I'm going to say that I like you too."

He stood up and offered a hand to you. You held his hand and stood up as well. He offered to send you back home and soon you were walking hand in hand with him. You couldn't stop smiling, thinking whether this was just a dream or not.

"It was a nice day and I'm glad we happened." He said with pride.

The both of you boarded the bus and you decided to get some sleep. Distracted by your head swaying around, Seungkwan carefully placed your head on his shoulder. This time he took a snap and saved it as his lockscreen, not forgetting to send you the snap as well.

Guess who is the sleepyhead now?

hello!! this is the chapter i promised hehehehe please love my story thank you. im probably ending this by chp 10 cos it'll be nice. have a nice day ahead everyone ♡

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