Chapter Twelve: "But I'm the Healer, and I can't just leave everyone!"

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*I think you all know that I don't own this XD Don't even know what it's from, it's just a random wallpaper from Google*

    All of us left the Forest of Foxes to go and find the owl. I was now confident, positive that we could get the other two animals. 

    "Up next, Winged Skies!" Cole cheered.

    "The what?" I chuckled, looking at him.

    "Wait, what's the owl place called? Flighty Forest? Owl City? What is it, Milu?" Cole asked.

    "It's Rasha's Forest. Named after the first Queen," Milu said.

    "Even more stuff about queens? Jeez." Angel rolled her eyes.

    We made it to a small forest. I could see many Barred Owls, Great Horned Owls, and Spotted Owls fluttering all over the place, and I became confused. There's supposed to be a Barn Owl. Are we in the wrong spot? I turned and saw Milu looking around with a lost expression.

    "What's wrong, Milu?" I asked when I noticed his look.

    "I've never been to Rasha's Forest, Teofilo," he sighed, "I don't know where to go. I only know the Representatives."

    "Then let's ask around, simple as that," Angel said before she walked up to a Barred Owl.

    "Hello, I'm—" she started to say something, but the owl immediately took off. Angel looked confused as she watched it fly away. "Rude..." she muttered to herself, walking back to us.

    "Angel, maybe it's best for a deer to approach one of them since the Owls don't like foxes," Milu pointed out.

    Angel reluctantly agreed, and Milu sent me to talk to one. I walked up to a Spotted Owl that was pecking at the ground. "Uh, hello. I'm with Prince Milu, and I was wondering if you know where the Owl Representatives are?"

    The owl turned its head to look at me. "Sure," he said in a deep, but cheerful voice, "They're at the Meeting Pine right now. It's over there." He opened his wing and pointed it towards a large pine tree nearby. 

    "Thanks so much," I said as I smiled. We went to the Meeting Pine, and I was excited again. I bet the Barn Owls are just on the other side... I panicked when three Great Horned Owls swooped down from above and started to attack us.

    Angel was snapping at them, Cole was cowering in fear, and I tried to butt them away. I noticed that they weren't even interested in Milu, who just stood off to the side and watched.

    "Milu, help us!" I cried out as one owl struck my back. 

    Milu only shook his head. "How will you learn to defend yourselves if I fight for you?" he asked, sitting down.

    "Are you kidding me Milu?!" Angel barked when she dodged an attack. She leaped at one of the owls and pinned them down, snarling.

    A Spotted Owl came out of the Meeting Pine and flew over to us. "What's going on here?" she asked impatiently.

    The Horned Owls immediately stopped attacking and landed. Well, except for the one Angel had pinned down. That one just struggled helplessly.

    Milu stood up. "Pinja. We've been looking for you, but these Great Horned Owls attacked us," he said to her.

    Angel let go of the owl, and it flew over to the other two owls. Pinja walked over to them and inspected them. "Elouan, go to Larissa. You might need to get your wings checked out," she instructed. She then turned her head and flew over to me, landing on my head.

    I froze, worried that Pinja might attack or anything like that. I could feel her leaning towards the gash on my back. "You should also see Larissa," she said.


    We went to a large tree, which I assumed was where Larissa was. Pinja made a high-pitched whistle sound, and a Barn Owl peeked out. There she is! The barn owl tilted its head and flew down to us.

    "Oh dear...Literally. What happened, and who got hurt this time?" she asked, hopping around and inspecting everyone.

    "Elouan may have damaged his wings, and this fawn was clawed on the back," Pinja explained.

    The Barn Owl, who I assumed was Larissa, flew up and hovered next to me. I looked at her and noticed that she was tilting her head, looking at my scratch.

    "Are you Larissa?" I asked, and she nodded without looking at me. "Huh. Beautiful name," I said uneasily, worried what she might say about the scratch. She landed on Milu's antlers, who didn't look like he appreciated that.

    "It'll heal up easily if we just wash it off and keep it from getting damaged any more than it is," Larissa said, "So just go to the stream, splash some water on it, and let it dry off in the heat." She then flew over to Elouan and checked out his wings. "Nothing much. Just don't fly in too hard of winds for a few days if it hurts."

    After she had been finished, I walked forward. "Larissa, I have something important to tell you," I said.

    Larissa turned her head to look at me, not even moving the rest of her body. She didn't say anything, expecting me to talk first.

    "The bear, the fox, and I are all Guardians. I had a dream that showed me what each of the other animals look like, and you're one of them. So, you're a Guardian. Will you come with us?" I asked her. Please say yes, please say yes.

    Larissa looked shocked. "What? But I'm the Healer, and I can't just leave everyone! Plus, my apprentice hasn't even completed her training!" she said, walking up to me.

    I sighed. Well, apparently not. "If she were to complete her training, then would you come?" I asked, hopeful.

    She thought for a moment. I watched Elouan and Pinja fly off, and then looked back at Larissa.

    "I guess so. But what if Alex messes up while I'm gone? I don't want her to hurt somebody and get in trouble accidentally," Larissa whimpered, looking down.

    "Larissa, you need to be confident in Alex. I'm sure you'll teach her just fine." I lowered myself and gently patted her on the head.

    She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I'll come with you once I teach her everything, okay?"

    "Great!" I said, grinning. Perfect, now we just have to find the rabbit!

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