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"What news have you John?" Munya (Munyaradzi) asked his assistant as he walked towards the throne room. All the advisors had been summoned early that morning.

"She is the daughter of one of your advisors, Samson. His son is the one always creating chaos in the market place as many people have complained about him," he said the last part dejectedly.
"Refresh my memory about the boy," Munya encouraged.
"Her...her brother is the one known for harassing several girls as well as stealing from other local merchants and farmers. No one can really control him, they are all afraid of him," he spat out as Munya looked at him with a blank expression.

Turning away from him without another word he headed towards his meeting setting aside whatever thoughts he had.


Looking at the old man he could see that he was trying his best to hide his worry.
"Samson stay behind. The rest of you leave us," he said in a flat tone.
The men quickly stood up leaving the room as instructed. Once the doors where closed Munya looked at the old men intently.

"What seems to be the matter? Your heart was not in this meeting especially since you are the one who was pushing for the upcoming water projects."
"Your highness. I am perfectly well," he said with a nervous smile.
"Hmmm," he said as he stroked his beard. "In all the twenty nine years I have lived in this palace, for the past twenty that I have known you, never have you looked this way. Is anything the matter at home?"
The old man looked at the king in disbelief. He was never one to show any concern over another.

"Everything is fine you highness," he said with a bow of respect.
"Hmmm. Very well. You are excused," he said sitting back as he waved the man off.
Sighing out loud he thought of his schedule for that day. The meeting had been finished earlier than expected due to every problem being dealt with swiftly.

"Get the car!" He heard someone yell as his physician ran into the room going down on his knees before him.
"Your highness forgive me. The girl she needs to go to the hospital," he panted.
Standing up from his seat he left the man still kneeling down heading straight to her.

Standing at the entrance of her room he saw her wiping blood from her lips looking beyond weak as she lay back down. A string of curses that could make any old lady blush escaped his lips as he lifted her up into his arms. With a huff he walked towards his car that had been prepared earlier for his trip to his next meeting.

"Drive!" he growled as the tires screeched to halt when the queen stepped in front of the car.
Stepping out of the car he stood in front of her looking down at her angry little face.
"How dare you disgrace me in such a manner. Where do you think you are going with her?" She spat.
"Woman step aside. Let me help that poor girl you are so afraid of," he said in a low voice. "It's funny how you feel threatened by a woman you have never spoken to, a woman I have not yet known," he said as his lips twitched into a smirk.
The queen seemed to think over his words an appalled expression dominating her features.
"Just remember who your wife is," she huffed walking away from him looking around to see their audience.

Taking a deep breath he climbed into the car once more before they drove off to the hospital.


"Her internal injuries are minor but she still needs to go for theatre. Whoever or whatever inflicted those wounds on her could have taken her life...," the chief physician said seeing the Kings eyes widen in fury making him stop.
"Gareth," he said in a low but authoritative tone as the man stepped forward.
"She she had a few bruises. I felt she would tell you herself what had happened," he rattled.

"Put all her expenses on me and as for you, stay here I want an hourly update on what is going on," he said in a low tone surprising the chief physician.

Heading back to the car he returned home to change and headed back out continuing with his schedule.


"How are the papers coming along?" He asked his team of lawyers.
"This settlement will be iron clad. Ensuring both parties are satisfied in the end, by the end of the week the document will be ready," Joe the team leader spoke.

"Perfect. Do take care of that other matter Joe," he stated as he stood up.
His assistant helped him into his jacket before they left.
The hourly ping of his phone indicated whatever progress was occurring at the hospital.

Upon arrival he found his mother waiting for him at the entrance with the nanny holding his son. He was more happy to see his son than his own mother.

The boy seemed to have the same thoughts as he reached out for him.
Taking him from the nanny he quickly dismissed her before turning to his mother.
"What exactly do you think you are doing?" She asked.
"Working," he simply stated.

"My son what has happened to you? You used to be..."
"I am who you wanted me to be mother," he cut her off. "This, is all your fault. The only good thing I have is Munashe here," he said holding his son closer to him as the boy ran his little hands over his cheeks playing with his beard oblivious to what was going on too excited to see his father.

Turning on his heel he went inside going to his room straight away. Looking down at the exact replica of him he was thankful the boy got none of his mothers genes. The woman didn't even acknowledge him hence the stronger bond between father and son.

But still a child needed a mothers love he thought to himself.

Another message came through pulling him away from his thoughts as he reached for his phone leaving his son to crawl over him as he pleased. Looking at the time he frowned seeing already six hours had passed since he left the hospital.

"Gareth put the doctor on the phone now," he growled startling his son before his lips formed a smile for his benefit. "I assume her injuries where not minor judging by the time she has been in surgery?"

"Your highness we ran into a bit of a problem during the procedure, she was losing too much blood but as we speak she is being taken to the ward. She stopped breathing for a few seconds but we managed to bring her back. She had a few broken ribs and I believe since she was mostly in pain all this could not be seen by your physician."

Hearing this he remained silent as he heard Gareth taking back the phone only to tell him she was out. Without a word he hung up getting up as Munashe squealed in delight as he lifted him up higher playfully.

Spending the rest of the afternoon with his son after canceling all his appointments he realized Gareth had not informed him on her hourly progress for the past four hours.

"Have the cars prepared. Also inform the cook to have something prepared," he instructed John.

"Where are you going at such an ungodly hour?" his mother questioned looking worried.

"Mother why are you fussing over my trips all of a sudden. Am I not old enough to go out?" he said before continuing with his journey to the cars.


"Where is she?" he asked the nurse who stared at him wide eyed obviously in shock before she looked down.

"She? Who are you looking for your highness?" she said her head still bowed.

"The girl," he responded his patience wearing thin as he rubbed his son's back soothing him.

"Your highness," he heard Gareth call out making him snap his eyes in his direction as the man knelt on his knees trembling. "My battery died but she is alright. She is still sleeping," he muttered.

Without another word he stepped around the physician walking towards the room Gareth had just come from.

Upon reaching the entrance he found the room crowded with other patients all asleep. His eyes flared in fury as he turned to Gareth who looked more frightened than before.

"All the rooms are full sire. This was the best," he stuttered backing away from him. "I begged the doctors to clear up a room but they refused saying this was the best."

Taking his phone out he called his assistant to come into the hospital as he pointed at a nurse to come towards him.

"Get me her doctor...."

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