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Rudo's POV

Coming out of those woods and meeting the king was a blessing in disguise. But how long would I have to stay here and hide from him. He was still out there waiting to catch a glimpse of me.

When Gareth rushed out looking for a car all I could register was the worst pain I felt aside from what had happened to me before. I though death had finally come knocking on my door, which was something I didn't mind at all. The next thing I knew I was waking up to face the king.
If he where to shave off that beard of his he would definitely be a lady killer. I mean he was tall, dark, okay not so dark, the yummy kinda dark and handsome, not that there was a bad dark, need I say more. Those brown eyes seemed to always pull me in deep whenever I saw them, well since the first day I met the man up close.

He was fit, when I say fit, I mean, the whole package, enough muscle in the right places at the right proportion. Heck the Greeks could have travelled to our kingdom just to collect more data on the perfect Adonis. He was simply put, beautiful, for a man, that is. Everyone knew the man was stunning to behold all the girls always fantasizes about marrying him, but I for one just admired his beauty nothing more. Over the year after his father's death he had changed drastically making those girls dreams of marriage dwindle to nothing than pure fantasy.

Some said it was his father's death, some said it was the pressure of being king whilst others said his wife. But we all knew it was the later. Now I for one did not want to be caught up in their drama. Being the Kings second wife was one thing. Being the second one after her was a totally different scenario. We always laughed feeling sorry for the poor girl who would fall prey for his charms to become the second wife. She would have to be from another state and not know about him. Besides which woman would want to be their husbands second option aside from other cultures where it was normal, I still found it hard to accept. He had the right to take on as many wives but like his father he chose to only marry one.

There was no denying the man had taken a liking to me, I don't know if that is a good thing or if I should be writing my last will and testament this very moment. This must have been the Lords favor upon me. But what sort of favor was this, the man was married for goodness sake.

When his lips broke into a smile I could not help my expression. I mean this was like seeing something dead being brought back to life. I think in that instant I found something so rare no other had seen. Not even his mother since his father's death, no I'm lying, or am I.

Upon apologizing to me I was shocked for this was clearly not the man we all knew him to be. He never apologized to anyone. Never ever, even when his father was alive.
Guess that was one of the perks of being a royal...
Being the woman I am I would have laughed in his face if I was well enough when he commanded me to answer his phone. I did not take lightly to orders, ask me politely, yes I would, order me like I am some slave, no.

But the part that totally had be whiplashed was when he dismissed his aid and asked me, not ordered me like before.
The king asking me a mere nobody to answer his calls on his phone of all things. Now this request was just too much, why would he want me to answer his call? To hear how you are silly. Maybe hear your voice.
My inner voice said making me shrug inwardly.
I mean I had to give it to the man, he sure knew how to surprised me every second.

Now here we are, him laying his head on the bed, careful to not to touch my scars as he looked up at me as though waiting for my response. He is waiting for your response smart ass.
Letting out a long sigh I felt his hand curl around my smaller one enveloping it with warmth.

"It's okay," I whispered watching relief wash over his face.
"Thank you," he whispered against my hand his warm breath washing over my hand as he brought it to his face.
The door swinging open made him stop his movements as his aid bowed his head averting his eyes from us.
"Forgive me your highness, but we must leave now," he said.
Feeling his jaw clench I felt his hold on my hand grow tighter before becoming slack when our eyes met as he saw my face scrunch up in pain from his hold.

When his lips grazed the inside of my palm I could not help the gasp that escaped my lips as he flashed a small smile at me before standing up looking once more the strict man he always was.

"I will call you soon," he said softly before turning away and leaving.


The buzzing sound of the phone startled her awake.
Swiping across the screen she heard his deep voice as she froze not knowing to say.

"Ru, I hope you are alright. No you are obviously in pain," he corrected himself. "Anyway have you eaten. And don't lie to me I know you haven't," he sighed in defeat realizing he had just given himself away. Clearing his throat he asked her, "What do you want me to buy for you? I know hospital food is terrible," he said so fast she might have not heard him correctly.

"Thank you your highness I am perfectly fine. No appetite at all," she replied.
How could she accept that this man buy her food or anything else. For one she did not know him that well. Though he was their king, he was still somewhat a stranger to her.

The ragged sigh he released signaled his distress and anger which he took the time to control thankfully.
"Let me do this one thing for you," he breathed out in a pleading tone.
"You have done more than enough sir. I don't even know how I will repay my debt to you or these hospital bills."

Silence greeted her but she could hear his breathing.
"I will see you later. Take care of yourself Ru," he said a bit too harshly as she realized she had angered him.

Just then the doctor entered the room to check up on her.
"May you please excuse me, I need to use the ladies," she said with a sweet smile. Spotting a clean set of clothing she quickly got dressed before making her way out of the room leaving the hospital. She thanked her lucky stars the guard assigned to her four was no where in sight as she left.

Both doctors and nurses looked beyond troubled when the king himself showed up an hour later. They had searched the hospital for her but still couldn't find her. When the king arrived they avoided him like the plague arguing over who would tell him that the patient was missing.

Entering her room he found no one in. Stepping back into the hallway he spotted a few nurses and patients but not her.
"Get me the doctor," he ordered.
Hands deep in his pockets he stared outside.
"Where is she?" He asked.
"She discharged herself about an hour ago," one of the junior doctors blurted out.

Slowly turning on his heel his gaze bore into the man before him.
"She what?" He asked the man looking at though he had just tasted something sour.

There you go.
That's all for now...

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