11. Gone

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(Word of advice, Immortals- Fall out Boys goes perfectly with the beginning of this chapter! ^^)

~Your PoV~

I sprinted through the forest, jumping over twigs and ducking low branches. To where? I don't know yet. What I do know, though, was that Jeff and BEN were hot on my tail.

"Too slow, boys!" I yelled and smirked.

I quickly and swiftly turned a corner and, using my tendrils to help, climbed up a tree. I sat on a thick branch and watched them, resisting the urge to laugh. 

"What the-?" Jeff said

"I'm starting to think this was a bad idea..." BEN said.

I concentrated and teleported behind them. They didn't notice, of course. I cleared my throat and put my hands on my hips, smirking. Jeff and BEN flinched and whirled around, weapons in hand. I smirked again and chuckled deviously.

"Still too slow..." I cooed, as if talking to a child.

I teleported again, this time a few meters in front and sprinted again.

Now, I wasn't planning on playing mind games on the boys, but I felt the urge to mess around with a guy's head. Just to see what happens. I wanted to know a guy's reaction when they're being messed around with, not knowing how to react anymore, or what to expect. To be totally and utterly left unprotected, lost and afraid. I'm want to know why a guy acts a way, and why he responds that way. I need to know why!

"I thought we were going on a walk!" Jeff panted behind me.

"We were! But just walking is boring!" I said

"Good... point...!" said BEN

I laughed and looked back at them. It was obvious that BEN haven't ran this much in a while. A long while.

"BEN, you have no stamina!" I yelled back, laughing.

I got an idea and teleported again, high up in a tree, dangling by my tendrils like a spider.

"Oh, come on!" Jeff yelled and came to a standstill, looking for me.

"Thank Zalgo!" BEN wheezed and stopped running.

I teleported behind them and giggled. Jeff whirled around to face me and I teleported to a nearby bush where he won't see me, still giggling. Jeff whirled around again, BEN laying on the forest floor and catching his breath. I teleported right behind Jeff and leaned close to his ear, whispering.

"What's wrong, Jeff?" I ask and giggle insanely, teleporting away again.

"What the Fuck?!"

I teleported in front of him.

"That was fun!" I said, snickering insanely.

I turned around and walked, a small spring in my step.

"What happened to being 'rusty at teleporting'?"

"It's called 'practice', Joker."

BEN chuckled and got up.

"If he's Joker, who's Batman? Or Robin?"

I thought for a while, and smirked.

"You're Robin, cuz you're short and you wear green!" I said, snickering.

"Aw... I don't want to be a sidekick!" BEN whined, sounding like a spoiled child. I laughed and turned around to look at him.

"If you can outrun me, you can be Batman" I said, smirking deviously.

BEN pouted and looked at me.

"You know... I think I'm okay with being the sidekick" he said

I laughed and started walking again.

"Okay, so I'm Batman.. or Bat...girl? BEN's my sidekick Robin... and Jeff is the Joker! Our archenemy! BEN, attack!" I said, and tackled Jeff to the ground.

"Die, Smiling scum!" BEN yelled and piled up on top of me.

"Get... OFF!" Jeff croaked

BEN and I roll off Jeff, and we were quiet for a while, smiling. Then, we burst out laughing. I sprang up and held my arm in front of my face, pretending to hold an invisible cape in front me. I looked at them and try to look dark and mysterious.

"You will not defeat me, Joker!" I said, and ran off again. I heard the boys laugh, and soon, they were chasing after me

We broke through the trees, and into the open. Suddenly, something was throwing itself at me, and tackling me to the ground. At the same time, a gunshot was heard. I pushed off, what I presumed to be a human, male, judging by the size and stature, and tries to survey the scene. Not too far away, was Alex Kralie, stomping over towards us, Toby on top of me, and Jeff and BEN were no where to be seen. I sprang up and glared at Alex. Toby stood up as well, and he seemed to be okay.

Alex aimed the gun at me again, and I did the first thing I could think of: Annoy the shit out of him. Concentrating, I made a high-pitched, sort of ringing noise, echo in is mind, like when your ears are ringing. Alex stopped in his tracks, plugged his ears shut and growled. We glared at each other, me turning up the volume of the ringing, and him raising his one arm, aiming the gun at me. Toby seemed to be affected by the ringing, but he'll survive. My tendrils whipped around, like a cat's tail when you've annoyed it. My cheeks ripped open, making a huge, terrifying smile.

We both stood still, just glaring at each other. If it weren't for the ringing, ou could've heard a pin drop.

Suddenly we both moved. I was ducking low and charging at him, and he shot another bullet, which missed me by inches. I rammed my shoulder into his stomach and we went down, I jumped up and snagged his gun. As I took hold of the gun, he grabbed it too, so now we were trying to pull the gun out of the other's grip. Alex managed to get his finger on the trigger and point it at me.

Before I could act, he pulled the trigger and shot me.

I froze and looked down, seeing a big splotch of red already forming, soaking my (f/c) shirt. Toby came rushing over, full of cuts and bruises, and I fell to my knees. My vision was blurry from blood loss, and I felt dizzy. I could vaguely make out the sound of yelling, and possibly more gunshots.

Then, it all went dark, and I slipped into unconsciousness

I couldn't see...

I couldn't feel...

I couldn't hear...


It's all... gone

(Sorry that this chapter is so short! >-<)

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