14. What Happened?

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~Unknown PoV~ 

I watched the boy drag the unconscious bodies of Slender's three little proxies into the forest, one by one. Alex was a good proxy, but he can be a bit... overenthusiastic.

I've made deals with the devil, literally, and brought the boy back. After years of these pity squabbles I've had with Slenderman, I'm finally going to win. After all, Slenderman can't fight if I've got his Proxies, and soon his daughter, with me.

I laughed softly as I saw the irritated expression on Alex's face. There he is, scrawny Alex Kralie, forced to drag three well-built boys on his own through the forest, while I hide in the shadows and laugh at him. Hey, I'm the leader, I don't do the dirty work, unless it involves spilling blood.

When Alex managed to drag them in the trees, I teleported to him.

"Seriously?? Couldn't you have just teleported them all to HQ?" Alex Complained

" I could, but it's much funnier seeing you struggle" I replied

"Douche..." He muttered

"What was that, Kralie?"

"Nothing sir..."

"Thought so."

With those last words, I teleported to my Headquarters. It was a relatively modern building... On the inside. Because the building was situated in the centre of the city, we have disguised it on the outside as an old, broken down storage facility. Here, me and my followers live, scheme, train and occasionally bicker. Slender calls his followers "family". I call them followers. Straightforward and true. At some point, I might even have been considered "family" to Slenderman. The man is an idiot.

As Kralie once again struggled with dragging the bodies through the building, I went to my office.

I crashed onto my office chair and looked out the large window that overlooked the neighbourhood.

"Revenge will be sweet, indeed"

~Your PoV~

I went outside to the scorch marks, now heavily armoured and armed, and surveyed the scene some more. There were grooves in the grass... They must've been dragged. I followed the trail, but it stopped directly in the first line of trees.


The fact that there is now further trail, means they were either teleported, or they flew... and I'm pretty sure Alex isn't half fairy.

But how?

Does Alex have an accomplice? Because I'm pretty sure he can't teleport. The next question is, where..

I need to find Alex's hiding spot, and something tells me it isn't in the forest.

Why would a guy that hates Slender live in the same forest as Slender? I huffed and went deeper into the forest until I got to the other side, and into the city.

While I walk around the city for possible hideouts, my thoughts wandered to the proxies.

I hope they are okay....

Soon, my thoughts led to what would happen if they were killed, and my heart immediately tightened and tears slowly started welling up in my eyes.

I don't want to lose Hoodie and my best Friends.

I can't lose them.

I won't allow it!

These thoughts were the exact thing I needed to spark my determination, and I seemed to have discovered some sort of ability. If I concentrated, I could sense the number of people in a building, but it was tricky. After hours of walking in the huge city, I lost my temper.

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