Warzones: Sneak Peak

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(This is a small sneak peek at Warzones, the sequel of Proxy Problems. Not the entire first chapter, but mostly a teensy spoiler. Just a teensy XD. Warning, it might take a while for me to start the sequel, because I'm writing a lot of books)

"We have no time to lose! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Hoodie yelled as we ran through the city streets, bags of weaponry slung over our shoulders, and covered in blood. This has been our routine, lately. Breaking into different buildings, killing and stealing things like weapons, armor, healing supplies. It's what a war is all about, isn't it? I was still getting used to my new leg, and kinda tripped every now and then, but its sturdy and it fits perfectly, so I can't really complain.

We still haven't discovered who is behind this, despite our efforts the last two weeks. A lot has happened since that day in the warehouse. Hoodie and I got closer, but we never really get time to ourselves anymore. The entire mansion is on full alert.

We broke through the thick barrier of trees, and sprinted though the forest. My foot almost got caught on branches and rocks, but I managed to stay upright. As soon as we get through the protective magical barrier around the Mansion, we slow down, panting horribly, and walked up the stairs. Slender felt our presence, and teleported outside, taking the heavy bags with his tendrils, then nods in approval to us. Then he simply teleports away.

He's been very quiet lately, especially around me. Is he hiding something? Or feeling guilty for dragging me into this world? Or something entirely else...?

Guess I'll have to find out, then.

I walked through he doors, and surveyed the same scene I've been seeing for the last two weeks.

Residents rushing around, training, healing, sorting supplies... The furniture was pushed up against the walls to make room for our supplies, and from here, I could see EJ teaching some basic first  aid to a few 'Pastas. It's strange how much your life can change in a mere day, isn't it?

I checked the time, then sighed in relief when I realized I have around 15 minutes free. I went upstairs to look for Hoodie. Whenever he has even the slightest minute to spare, he goes to his room, trying to relax a bit. This war was taking it's toll on us, and most of us weren't meant for war. I silently slipped into his room, and smiled when I saw him laying on his bed, one arm over his face, mask in hand. I walked in and sat on his bed, then places a hand on his arm.

"Hey... we got 10 minutes.." I said softly. I saw him give a small smile, and take his arm off. He then sits up and looks at me. He looked exhausted, with dark rings around his eyes, just like everyone else. I leaned in and kissed him softly, yet passionately , and he wrapped his arms around me, deepening the kiss further.

During the war, I have cherished our little moments, because I never know which one will be my last.

So I make sure every moment is to die for.

Proxy Problems (Creepypasta x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now