13. Decision

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~ Your PoV ~


"-Did what I had to."


"-Terrible Proxies"


I gasped and opened my eyes, sitting straight up.

"Mother of FUDGE that hurts!" I exclaimed.

I looked around, clutching my stomach, and saw the three proxies looking at me as if they saw a ghost.

"What?" I asked

Suddenly they ran towards me and hugged me, smiling widely

"You're okay!" Said Hoodie

"Thank Whatever god is out there!" Said Masky

"I told you I did it right!" said Toby

I huffed and waited for them to get it over with. When they finally let go, I looked at them questioningly and crossed my arms. After a while, I focussed my attention on Toby.

"What do you mean by, "I told you I did it right"? Did what right?" I asked

"I stitched you up after you got shot" said Toby, smiling proudly.

I gave him a small smile and nodded.

"Thank you, Toby"

Without another word, I got up and walked out of the room, going straight up to my bedroom. I'm still annoyed because they were fighting. It's not like it's easy for me to choose! I huffed in frustration and plopped down on my bed, thinking. Then, after a while, I realized how hungry I was. I groaned, not wanting to get up and possibly pass the proxies on the way to the kitchen. After many minutes of consideration, I got up and went to the kitchen anyway.

I descended the stairs and heard the boys arguing, again. Curiosity took over and I peeked around the wall

"-She's mine!" Yelled Masky

"Will you Stop it!? (Y/n) Is not some silly prize to be won! Think about what's it like to be in her shoes!" said Hoodie

"Probably painful.. she has tiny feet.." said Toby

"Not literally, you idiot! Think about it! What do you think she's feeling right now?" said Hoodie

"Relieved" I said.

They all froze and looked at me. I casually walked over to them.

"Relieved that there's at least one of you who doesn't see me as a prize. A possession. " I looked at them, my hands on my hips, and face almost expressionless, except for the glint of anger in my eyes.

They didn't say anything.

After a few seconds of silence, I walked off to the kitchen without a word, but by the time I got there, I lost my appetite. Sighing, and not wanting to see the boys even more than before (rhyme XD) I just plopped down in a chair and sulked.

This lasted for about five minutes. Then I got bored.

I groaned, and listened for the boys.

"...Well.... I don't hear them...." I muttered to myself

I got up and peeked out the door

"...and... I don't see them...." I muttered again.


I flinched, eyes wide. What the hell was that?

I wandered around the Mansion, searching for the source of the sound. As I aimlessly trudged around, my mind started doing what it did best: Think about stuff that has nothing to do with the situation.

Hoodie doesn't see me as a possession.. like the other two. He wasn't fighting over me, he was defending me. He thought about me first.

Unintentionally, my mind wandered to the time Hoodie showed me the Meadow... all our silly conversations... I became aware of the fact that I was smiling, and how hot my face felt. My heart was accelerating, and my thoughts were racing.

Just like it always did when I thought of him.

I stopped, realization slapping me in the face, just as I heard another crash.


I sprinted out to the Garden, searching for the noise. I ran down the stairs, taking two steps at a time, and practically broke through the door.

Outside, there was a faint scorch mark in the grass, and I smelled something close to ash. Not fire. Ash.

Frowning, I walked over to the spot, crouching down and taking a better look. It looked.... odd. Surrounding the scorch was normal, healthy grass. There was no other evidence of a fight, an accident or maybe even a tiny mishap. Just a scorch. I sighed and got up, walking around the Mansion and going to the front yard.

As expected, there were more scorch marks, but what surprised me was the shapes. They formed words.

" You cannot escape me now, (y/n). If you want your little pets to be spared, I suggest you come and get them.

- A. Kralie "

I growled softly to myself, my tendrils extending and flicking around irritably. I stormed inside and went straight to the Weaponry. I equipped myself with various weapons. Daggers, a gun, an Axe and a few grenades. No way that Asshole is beating me this time. Not Again.

I finally decided how I felt, and I'm not going to let him hurt Hoodie and the other two.

Look out Kralie, I've made my decision.

(Sorry for this reeeeaaally short chapter •-•)

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