Chapter One:

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As I stare at the ceiling in pain, all I ever felt since that day was pain. I sigh as I hear the footsteps of the men outside. They were coming today for another beating. I slowly got up from the floor that was my bed. My white and black hair falling in my face. I shake my head to wake me up and push my hair out of my face. It was my birthday next week and when I turn sixteen I will get my wolf and so will my brother.
I sigh missing them so much. I hear the clicking of the keys and the footsteps of the men coming. I stare blankly at the door feeling nothing at all, no emotions, I'm numb. After two years of being in this cell I became mute, broken, numb, emotionless. As the door open reviling the man that came everyday since I was brought here. I learned over the years that his name was John, John how I learned to hate and dislike that name so much.
How can you become from a happy, cheerful, loving, caring person to a cold, heartless, emotionless, numb feeling person over just eight years of your live? " I see your awake Darling." He says with a smirk on his face. I stay mute not giving him an answer, like always. He never mind my muteness, he almost broke my windpipe because of my deathly screams.
I just nod my head keeping my face emotionless and blank. He walks over to me in the corner and starts to drag me out of the cell. I knew he was taking me to another cell to beat or hurt me more than I am. But when I saw he was taking me to the door that leads outside I was confused. " Why after eight years they take me outside now?" I thought as he opens the door. It blinds me for a second before my eyes get used to the light. As I look around I see trees a lot of trees. He takes me to a house, I'm guessing a pack house but a really small one for roughs. He opens the door and I'm greeted with a lot I mean a lot of men that don't look friendly. I just keep my blank and emotionless face but I know I had a little fear in my eyes.
    " This is the mute brat that we kept for eight years?" Some guy I never saw say with disgust in his voice. "Steven, she was not mute when we took her here."  John tells the guy that I now know name is Steven. I just keep my head down and wait for whatever they are going to do to me.

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