Chapter Three:

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They were right. They waited tell next week to let me run. But what I don't get is that John is bringing me up the day before they set me free. I wonder what they want now, I sigh. I'm dragged into a room then dragged into a bathroom full of white and cream colored tiles. " Take a shower then after that get dress." John says. I nod my head and wait for him to go. Wait what about the clothes? I thought and as if reading my mind he throws me some clothes- clean clothes at that. They looked to not be rags.
After he left I went into the shower and started to wash my hair. Once I was done with washing my body and hair three times and getting all the dirt and sweat off of me that was building up over the years I got out and dried off and got into the clean fresh clothes. The clothes were a pair of black jean shorts and a white T-shirt. What I was kind of happy about was I got a pair of socks and tennis shoes that were black and red. I look my self in the mirror and my black and white hair was a mess and my sea blue eyes that where once full of happiness and bright were now full of loneliness and dull. I sigh and start to brush my hair. Once I was done I walked out and all the way to the door and stopped there. This was my chance to leave but for some reason I couldn't. I take a deep breath and look outside to see no one. I looked around the room, no one. Where is everyone? I slowly opened the door but stayed alert for any of the men or John.
Once I got the fire open and made sure no one can hear me or see me I slowly stepped outside. Once my feet it the soft dirt I bolted. I hear a small gasp and I know it was from Heaven, but I knew she could get the men in almost a second.  So with that in mind I ran hard, harder and faster then I thought I could. My black and white hair flapping through the air as I run my eyes and heart held onto hope that we can escape from this place. I heard shouting men, breaking bones so they can shift, and howls that can send a weakling like me dead in her tracks, but I knew that if I stop now I would be dead. As I run deeper into the forest I knew I was close to somewhere that was far away from that place.
I hear them slowing down, but why? Wait I must be close to a packs territory. With that I ran a little harder knowing I was closed to hope. I kept my past not daring to slow down in fear that they were close. Although I heard them stop and howl in anger I knew that I had to keep running. My lungs were on fire my heart beating so fast my legs and body screaming at me to stop, but I knew u couldn't for I was to close to hope to stop now. I heard growls and saw wolves starting to come at me. I did not know if they were a packs wolves or the rough wolves that kept me, but I do not, I repeat, DO NOT want to say around and find out. One of the wolves tackled me and I tumbled to the ground breathing hard from my run. He growls and snaps his jaws in my face and at that moment I knew I was going to die by a wolf that may or may not be part of a pack. I turn my head and show my neck in submit not wanting a fight. It stops and gets off. I'm confused yet relief from the weight of him on me.
I take deep breaths to calm my heart and to satisfy my burning lungs. I hear bones breaking and morphing to change him back into human form. " What are you doing in this territory girl?" Comes a voice of a man right in front of me. I'm trying the catch my breathing back because here is a guy in only shorts and no shirt. I sigh once I have my breathing under control. I slowly start to get up into a sitting position. I look at him straight in the eyes which is nothing I did with the men at the house that beat and abuse me. I see in his eyes that there is confusion in them. I move my hand to my throat and shake my head meaning I have no voice. Once he catches on to this he nods his head and says, " Well sorry for that but you have to come with us to meet our Alph so he can see what to do with you." He walks over to me to help me up but I stay settled and start to take my shoes and socks off because they were hurting me so badly. He reaches his hand out once more for me to take and I take it thankfully. He pulls me up and we start to walk with the wolves and him guiding me me to the pack house. I see that some of the wolves shifted back into human form. I look forward again only to trip over my own feet. The man that was next to me was a tall man with blonde hair and Blue-ish gray eyes. He caught me and throw me on his back so I was hanging there in his shoulders. I just stare down at the back of his legs. " You like the view from up here in the clouds?" He asked chuckling when I tensed up not wanting to laugh but I failed badly because I started to shake holding in my laugh. What is sad is I don't know why it's funny. I knew from the power raiding off of him that he was the third in-command or beta.
Once we were outside the pack house he set me down gently so I would not fall again. My hair falls in my face so I push it back and out of my face. The same man that tackled me came up and took my arm and started to walk me into the house. I took this time to look at him for a little since I can't see his face I'll say this. He has dark drown hair and is really tall and fit. When he stopped he looked at me and I saw his eyes were hazel with some green in them. How pretty I thought. He turned back around and knocked on the huge doors. Hmm, from this power raiding off of the dark brown haired guy be may be beta or third in-command. " Come in." Came a really powerful voice. Ohhh geez, that is a Alpha alright. A really powerful one at that. He opens the huge doors and walks in and tugs my arm to follow him so I did. He closes the doors once we were inside and turned to the alpha. " Oh, hello beta Dawn. I see that you brought that girl in here?" "Yes, Alpha Drake. She can not talk I think she is mute. Either that or she does not want to talk." Well this will be fun.
I looked at Alpha Drake and he had dirty blonde hair and dark forest green eyes. Beta Dawn that I now know him by went over and sat down in the chair across from Alpha Drake. I slowly walk to Beta Dawn and stand near him because I learned that you should never sit down unless someone tells you to. Took me five times to figure that out. Alpha Drake just looks at me with confusion. I look down at the desk to see a notepad and a pen. I look back up at Alpha Drake asking if it was ok for me to use them. At first he was confused until he saw what I was looking at. "Oh, yes you can." I nod and take the pen and notepad in my hands and ready for them to question me." Ok, first of all why are you in this territory and where do you come from?" Asked Beta Dawn. I click the pen and start to write it all out. I write for a while tell I show it. 'The reason I'm in your territory is because I was on the run away from roughes that took me when I was young and I was looking for a way to get away from them so when there was no one guarding me I ran away and ran into your territory. I'm so sorry.' After they were done reading it they nodded, but I knew they had more questions to ask me but they must have saw how tried I was from my run." Beta Dawn can you bring miss..." He stops not knowing my name. I write my name on the paper ' Ryuu' He nods and continues " miss Ryuu to a room and put two guards outside her room and two outside the door." Beta Dawn nods and takes me to a room to sleep in and I see two guards come out and stand by the bedroom door. He nods me into the room and I walk in. He closes the door after I walk inside the room and I walk straight to the bed and lay down to sleep. Once my head hits the pillow I start to welcome the darkness.

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