Chapter Two:

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I leave my head bowed down tell I hear the clicking of heels in the wooden tiles. I raise my head just a little to see a women coming through some doors and smiling to the men tell she sees me and looks disgusted. You may be wondering why I don't fight and run away, well although I have alpha blood in me I can't fight anymore. When I was first here I fought with all my strength never giving up. But now, now I'm pathetic.
I just watch as she goes to one of the other men. I down cast my eyes and breath in deeply but silently. " Anyway, the reason I brought her here was because as you guys know we have not had a chase in a long time. And I thought since the other girls are to weak and pathetic to run we can try dear Ryuu here." John says smiling evilly to me. " John I don't care what you do just do one thing and throw her out there and let the guys kill her." Says a voice of disgust that is from the women. "Well Heaven, we want a chase so," he smirks " let's see if this girl can run farther then the other have."
" I'm up for it." Says Steven.
"Ok how about we do this next week then we can have a chase." Oh boy, this is going to be bad I know it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry this was kind of short but here you go :) and this is my first book so please tell me if you like it or not. And as I would like to say see you in the next chapter my lovely dragonflies:)

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