Chapter Four:

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I woke up to a loud bang. I shoot up and look around. I close my sea blue eyes and breath in deeply. Today is my birthday and I'm going to get my wolf. I sigh and open my eyes. I hear some voices outside of the room I was in. I get up and slowly go to the door and open it. I look around to see that all the guys that were standing outside the room where nowhere to be seen. I pull back my white and black hair that was down to my butt back out of my face. I walk out of the room but stay alert just in case I need to run or fight, which I don't know if I can because of my injures that some are still healing. I walk to the railing and look down. Hmm... long drop, may break a bone if not carful. I nod my head and look around. Once I see no one I climb over the railing. I was in the second story, I take a deep breath and jump. I start to fall so I angle my self to land on my feet and hands without hurting my self to badly. I hear a gasp and I know I got caught. I land perfectly on my hands and feet. " Are you crazy?!?!" I hear someone yell. I get scared to I turn around to see a big guy. I stare at him with a scared an fearful face as I slowly back up. I back up into a wall and I turn my head to the wall and glare at it for a moment then turn back to the guy.
As he walks closer to me I know I'm dead now. I think through all the years that I ran or got scared. Not this time, I don't care if I get hurt or die I don't want to be scared anymore. I slowly stand up and change my face into an emotionless and blank face. No fear nothing, I'm numb right now. I think when I saw two of the roughes fighting one another in the cellars. I slowly bend my knees and pull my fist up into a fighting stands. Then all of a sudden I feel pain shoot up my back. For the first time in forever I scream loudly in pain and drop to the ground." Shit, she is shifting." I barely heard him. Before I knew it I was being picked up and brought outside. I see a lot of people once I was outside. I feel more pain in my body as my bones reshape and form together. I hear a growl and I whimper. The next thing I know is all the pain is gone. I sigh in relief as the pain disappears. I hear gasps and whispers although the crowd of people. I open my eyes and look down at my hands to see that they are replaced by paws.
I slowly start to get up and I look down at paws. I slowly left my head and look around to see everyone is looking at me. I turn my head and look at my body to see it is pure white with a black tail. I look at my paws to see that they are black. Hmmm.'hello human' I hear in my head. I look around and see everyone is looking at me in wonder ' silly Ryuu, it's me, your wolf. My name is Rya. '
I just stand there. Ok.... I'm in wolf form, my wolf is Rya, and I'm in a unknown wolf pack territory of an Alpha named Alpha Drake. What can go wrong? Nothing right? Oh how I was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2016 ⏰

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