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'You are like a bird without wings.So,I'll be your wings so that you can fly freely in the sky'
Thos word was always spoken by someone in her dream...someone special...

While she was sleeping soundly, someone shake her up to wake her up "Yah Eunha wake up!!!" She quickly wake up "Oh!Oppa what o'clock is now?!" She said as she slowly get out of her fluffy blanket "Hurried up or we will be late for school!" Her brother Kyung said and pat his little sister head gently "Okay,thank you Oppa!" She said and hug him and straight to the bathroom.

After Eunha done with her morning routine,they quickly walk to school "Eunha-ya after school i will going to work so you go back with Yuju kay?" Her brother said to her and pat her head lightly "Mhm..Okay then" Eunha said and look down "Don't be sad i'll be back after work" Her brother said to comfort her.

After a few walk, they arrived at their school 'School of Performing Arts School /Sopa)' "Bye,Oppa!" Eunha said and waved to her brother and her brother did the same.She went to her class but being stop by Taehyung who is her boyfriend "Ah..You scared me you know?" She said and walk to her seat while Taehyung follow her since his seat is behind her "Mian,But Jagiya~ I heard that there be a new student coming today" Taehyung said "Really? I hope it a cute guy!" Eunha said excitedly while Taehyung smile slowly faded "Jagiya~I'm here though" Eunha quickly look at Taehyung "You are more cuter though..." Eunha said and Taehyung slowly turn into a tomato "Eunha-ya~" Yuju called for her "What?" Eunha quickly replied while Taehyung go to his seat "Wanna hangout after school?" Yuju said "Sure!" Eunha said,before Yuju can said anything Mrs.Kim quickly went inside they class and Yuju quickly went to her seat.

"Anyone absent today?" She ask while counting all the student "No one" The student in the class said "Okay then,You may come in" Mrs.Kim said and one boy came in the class "You can introduce yourself now" Mrs.Kim said and the boy bow to her "Annyeonghaseyo,My name is Jeon Jungkook.Nice to meet you" The boy said and flash a charming smile while the girl in the class melted except Eunha because she already have Taehyung "You may sit beside Eunha over there" Mrs.Kim said and point to Eunha while Taehyung is pissed off by because Jungkook will be sitting beside his girl.
Jungkook walk to Eunha and sit beside her "Hello" Jungkook said and Eunha slowly look to her "Hello" Eunha said and Taehyung disturbed them "Don't touch her kay she's MINE!" Taehyung said but Jungkook just ignored him and start to focus on his study.

After a few hours class finally end for them and it time for recess.Taehyung quickly go to Eunha "Let's go Jagiya~" Taehyung said and take her hand,leaving Jungkook alone in the classroom "Well,it the first day so i don't really care..but why is he so protective while she just cool" Jungkook said and giggle silently.

Eunha POV
Tae drag me out of the class "You should Give him a tour first.." Tae stop and look at me "You like him?" He ask with pissed face "It not like that...he still new here though.." I said and look down "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to scared you.." Tae said and slowly lift my chin up "Ohh,What a sweet couple~~" I quickly lift my head and see That Jungkook boy "What do you want huh?!" Tae yelled "I'm just passing by and see you two" He said while looking at me weirdly "What you looking at?!" Tae said and stand in front of me.Jungkook look at Tae for awhile and go away "Geez! Why he must look at my Jagiya?!" Tae said as he watch Jungkook slowly gone as he walk to the cafeteria.

After school,I was waiting for Yuju as she ask me to.Few minute later Yuju finally arrived "Yah! Where did you go?!" I said "Mian,Today i can hangout with you because i have something...." She said and play with her hand "Why didn't you just call me?" I said "Sorry..." She said "Huh,I'll go now bye" I said and walk away "Bye!" She said and waved to me.

Ugh...sometime i hate her for leaving me all alone..Well it going to get dark soon..."Ugh! I hate her!" i said as i kicked a pebble that was in front of me "Ouch!" I hear someone cried,i quickly went him "Ah!I'm sorry!" I said and bowing to them...they look scary! Oh god! I still want to live though! "So you the one that kicked this pebble?!" The man said and look at me from head to toes "You look kinda pretty..Wanna play?" The man said as he walk forward to me while i backed away "No!" I yelled and close my eye.

It been few second since i closed my eyes and i don't feel anyone touch or harm me so i decided to open my eyes.When i open my eyes i saw that man was on the ground "WTH?!" I said as i saw Jungkook beside that man,He look at me "Why?" He ask coolly "You beat him?" I ask "Yeah why?" hearing that make me feel calm.."Thank you.." I said and run away.

Jungkook POV

I was walking around my neighborhood and i hear someone yelled and rush to them.I can see that girl that sit behind me looking scared so i quickly went to beat that man.She slowly open her eyes and look at me "Thank you" that word make me feel weird... 


This is my 3rd fanfiction and i will continue it after I completed 'About Him'.Thank you for reading!


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