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The chaste birthed of the infirtile, the blest birthed of the chast in a meant to be circle. Take heed! The blest enunciated in the cradle as if he was to gargle on Adam's ale. The voice of Adamians was at once left to stutter and garble. The chast, by God's will, was to escape the girdle and prevail over the mortifying hurdle. Have they no knowldge God's punishment will be infernal? To God must we be humble.
His rivals took action to burgle his place of residence so as to pierce his holy spirit with a pitiful needle, diabolically plotted so the Jewish huddle, and so they thought they departed with his false nodle. Dupes the ones to have received the godly swindle. Have they no knowledge life is mortal? At God's name must we tremble. Alas! They schemed to meddle with his Bible and so it became a twadle. In satan's subtle wheedle they found tinsel. Indeed their act was no noble. To God must we be tearful.
The prophecy of his successor will become real. Behold the ones who will assemble for a bloody tussle only to whitness their own downfall. In God's name evil shall never prevail, argal good will prevail over evil in its most sacred battle. Have they no knowledge of God's punishment diferral? At heaven's door they will wish to make a scrabble when their sobs are but idle. To God must we be servile.