Night 16: The Last Goodbye

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Song: Come To This by Natalie Taylor
Night 16:

"The three of us are having a movie date." Jake said as he pushed the tv and it's stand in front of Katie's window.
"What are you doing?" Katie asked as I grabbed the blanket and set it on the floor, against the wall.
"Putting the blanket down, what else?" I said with a smirk. Jake moved the ladder and grabbed a box full of plastic glow-in-the-dark stars.
"Now what are you doing?" She asked as she set down her blanket.
"We are gonna have a movie under the stars!" Jake said enthusiastically.

"That's beautiful!" Katie said an hour later as we finally sat down. The lights were off so the stars glowed a bright green.

Fifteen minutes later Katie was whispering the words to the movie while I ate popcorn and Jake stared at both of us as if we were crazy. "You know all the words don't you?" He asked as I started mumbling the lines too.
"Quentin and I saw this forty-two times." Katie said smiling.
"And I saw it thirty" I replied as I thought back to my childhood. "Plus, Happy Feet is such a cute movie, it would be a crime not to know at least one line."
Jake chuckled and Katie gasped. "Oh look, a shooting star" she pointed up and we looked.
"I saw it, it was right over by Orion's  belt... Or whatever that mess is." I pointed to a messy clump of stars.
"Um, that's not Orion's belt, that's Obrion's belt, Orion's lesser known Irish cousin." Jake said in a matter-of-fact tone.
Katie and I started laughing but stopped when she started coughing. "Are you okay?" I asked as she slowly stopped coughing.
"It's weird. The medicine makes me feel better...but not. I want to say something before I won't be able to." Katie said looking down at her hands.
"I love you guys, so much."
I started tearing up as I looked at Katie's wearying body. Glancing over at Jake I saw he was tearing up too.
"D-don't say that." Jake whispered loud enough for Katie to hear. She smiled but was cut off as she started gasping for air.
"Katie? Katie? Are you alright?" I started asking as she stared at nothing with her mouth open-gasping to get air into her lungs.
"D-do me a favor and tell Dr. Cannerts I'll take him up on those pain meds... And bring me my son." I nodded as tears started to slip from her eyes. "I think it's time to say goodbye."
"We'll be right back!" I said as we both got up and left.

"The scariest moment of my life was the day you were born." Katie told Quentin who was in front of the window, trying not to cry. "I held you in my arms." Katie paused to chuckle. "I was so terrified I couldn't even move. But I moved anyway. I kept moving, and the fear eventually went away. Quentin... Being your mom has been the greatest thing anyone could ask for. I know you feel as if someone blew a hole in your heart, but you can fill it with memories. Remember me happy... Can you do that?" Katie finished. I turned around, no longer being able to bear it.
"Y-yeah" Quentin replied, barely loud enough for anyone to hear.
"Good. I need you to be brave. I need you to move and to keep moving, can you do that?" Katie asked. I couldn't hold it in any longer, tears poured down my eyes as I silently started crying.
"...yes." Quentin whispered. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked over at Jake. His eyes were red and puffy, I could tell while he went to tell Cannerts he stopped and cried... I did the same with Quentin.
"Are you still scared?" Katie asked.
"Yes mom! I'm still scared-"
"I'm not! Know why?... because you have made me SO proud. I know you'll be a good man." Katie cut him off, trying to raise his spirits with a cheerful tone.
"Like Jake?" Quentin hiccuped.
"Exactly. He and Iris are going to need a friend in here, keep them company."
I heard Quentin finally start to cry, through the noise I heard him tell his mother that he loves her.
"I love you too. Now, what do we say when we're home?" Jake and I turned around and saw Katie put her hand on the window.
Quentin put his hand in the exact spot.

There are no monsters under the bed.
No monsters in your head
Tomorrow brings a new day of light
Sweet dreams my prince... Goodnight.

Jake and I watched helplessly as Katie started puking up blood. "She's starting to hem-ridge." Cannerts said next to us, eyes also locked on Katie. "It won't be long now, the rest won't be pretty... Both of you shouldn't be here."
"You're right, we don't want to be here, we want to be in there. You can help us with that." I said turning to Dr. Cannerts.

I put the white hazmat helmet on my head and let the nurse fix it correctly. "It's okay, Iris." Jake said as he noticed how uneasy I was.
I turned my head to look at Jake, who was looking at me, concern filled his eyes. "You're right. It's gonna be okay." I ran out of the room and went to go where Katie was at. Hold on Katie! I screamed in my thoughts.
I flung the door open and saw her on
the floor, blood everywhere. "Katie!" I heard Jake yell. We ran to her side and picked her up. In an instant, tears were in my eyes and they were quickly falling down my face.
"Katie, don't leave me! Please don't leave...." I said as I stared into her eyes, which were getting dim with each passing second.
Katie started to gasp for air. As she struggled to breathe, Jake and I kept trying our best to make her as comfortable as we could but she kept spasming.
"I love you Katie! We love you!" I said, though it was only a whisper. I heard Jake pleading for her to stay but he seemed far away, everything seemed far away. The only thing I understood was that Katie's body was starting to go still.
"...I love you two..." Katie whispered as she coughed up blood for the last time, her body going limp in our arms.

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