Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Latvia POV

The bus pulled up to the school and I got off making my way toward the main door. The hallways were more crowded than usual because it was the first day back from summer break. I made no attempt to push through the students because none of them noticed me anyways. I was on the way to class when I ran into someone and my books fell to the ground.

"I..I'm sorry!" I exclaimed bending down to pick up my books.

"No need to be sorry. The fault was mine." Said the boy I had ran in to. He handed me my textbook which had fallen the farthest.

"Thanks," I muttered looking up at the boy. His blue eyes shown like the sea and his smile was adorably crooked. Our hands almost touched when I took my book from his hand. My pulse was racing. "Who was this boy?" I thought to myself.

"So, what class are you going to maybe could walk together and make sure neither of us run in to anyone" the boy suggested. His sentences running together.

"Um uh," I pulled out my schedule to look at, "U...U.S. History with Mr. Jones."

"Me too!" The boy said excitedly. "I'm Peter by the way. I'm a sophomore."

"I'm Raivis." I told him, "I'm a junior." We started to walk to class. The other students seemed to part around Peter and I. I guess he was kinda popular.

As we made our way to class we chatted about our summer breaks. Peter mostly was the one talking but I got a few words in between his run-on sentences. It was strange having someone to talk to in the hallways. The only other students I really ever have conversations with are my lab partners from last year, Toris and Eduard.

We had finally made it to class after stopping a couple of times so that some of Peter's friends could tell him about their summers.


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter in my SeaLat fanfic. This is the first fanfic I have written so I'm sorry if it's kinda bad. I know this chapter was a little short but the chapters should get longer as the story progresses. Here's a list of the human names so you know who everyone is.

Raivis - Latvia
Peter - Sealand
Toris - Lithuania
Eduard - Estonia

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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