Proloque part 3

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(A/N Sorry for the many proloque parts...)




"Nea talking" (goes to normal one)

*Crowned Clown talking*

'Allen's thoughts privately' "Allen talking inside his head to Nea or Crowned Clown"

'Nea thinking privately' "Nea talking to Allen inside his mind."

(Author notes, if coming)

Proloque part 3


"I'm soooo exhaused!!!" Allen shouts and falls down to floor. The white cape dissaphears and the little golden tint in boys eyes and tan skin dissaphears as it is replaced by very pale skin and red scar in the left side of the face.

Besides Allen, there is supprisingly......

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"N-Nea?!" Allen yelps in suprise.

The person laying next to him has same features as him, like looking at mirror, but he has tanner skin, black hair, if slightly from it's ends, curvy, but not so noticeable. He has also warm brown-golden eyes. They remembered Noahs golden eyes, but were lighter. He had some blood falling from his mouth and forehead, mostly because Allen's scar...

"Yes.. I'm here... Nephew..." Nea answers with little weak grin, surely because the tiredness from their working.

*Allen. You should sleep now. You too, Nea.* They hear bell-like giggle. Crowned Clown.

"Yea. The recovery will take time." Nea says quietly.

"I'm glad that I have both of you with me..." Allen voices out in his mind.

"Hm? Did you say something, Nephew?" Nea asks quietly, almost sleeping.

"I... didn't say.... anything.... Nea..." Allen says almost asleep, tired.

"How could he hear anything now..?" Allen thinks.

"Again!?" Nea exclaims.

"What.... did you hear?.."

"Something about that how could I hear now when we are separated..." Nea says.


"Do you hear this?" Allen felt little idiotic now.

"Loud and clear!" He hears Nea answer in his mind with his carefree tone.

"How it is poss---" Allen's sentence was cut by melodical humming.

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