What to Remember

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High school. We've all been there. We've all had to cram study the night before a big test, sit next to the weird kid in class, and of course, make jokes about having "chemistry" with people. But, what do we remember most? It certainly isn't that one time junior year that you tripped going into class, even though your "best friends" at the time teased you for weeks. You don't remember that time you helped someone in your math class with homework even though it seemed like such a drag at the time. You actually don't remember much time in the school at all.

You remember the rainy days when all your friends piled into a car and had lunch.

You remember going to events with your friends and getting hyped up about the $0.69 soda from Circle K.

You remember going to parties and having the time of your life.

-Wait. So if you only remember all of these things that happened outside of the classroom, why did we stress so much over what we wore, who would notice, and if we had the hottest drink walking into class?

Stress less. Breathe more. Enjoy every part of your life. 💖

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