Yea so i havent updated in along time mostly because i gave up on this a long ass time ago.
Other than that i have no reason as to why i havent wrote.but if you interested in what has happened since the last time i wrote when ever the fuck that was.
Heres a short ass list of what ive been up to1.My aunt came in from california, dont get me wrong i love all my family,but this aunt was one of the ones who i only need to see every once in a while.She was coming down to celebrate my birthday and my party.According to her it was supposed to be a surprise im glad that the secret got out because i would have not liked that at all.she stayed for the whole month of november and left in december. Thank god i had school because i wouldnt have been able to stand her complaining,singing, and non stop talking all day of 8+ hours.
2.i turned sixteen my mom picked me up from school at around 10ish after she finished some business and took me to breakfast at denny's with my visiting aunt.When she dropped me off at school again it was smack dab in the middle of my english class,as soon as i walked in some kid named jacob said happy birthday and the next thing i know the whole class broke out in to song.After lunch my friend gave me my present which was a shit emoji purse,i fucking love it.Then 3 days later i had a party at the aquarium it was lit af.I had fun we fed/touched the animals,turned up,a friend dunked their iphone 6 plus in the water like an idiot.
3.After my party i got hired at honeybaked hams.I did this thing called facing hams,its when you get a ham thats half cut and you just make the face look pretty.
well thats pretty much all ive been doing cuz my life is boring as shit