The Next Day

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Michael's Point of View

I woke up from the most miserable night. I looked around the room and I notice the side of the bed that Lisa would usually would sleep on. I had flashbacks of when we cuddled all the time during a storm or when one of us had a nightmare. I could not get Lisa out of my head. I thought about her nonstop. I had nobody to comfort me. I felt so alone.

I was starting to feel sick to my tummy. I took deep breaths, but it didn't work. I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I was crying while I threw up. It felt like forever. After I stopped, I just sat on the floor. I put my hands on my face and just cried...and cried...and cried. I sat on the floor for about an hour. Then I decided to take a shower.

I got my clothes and jumped into the shower. I started to have flashbacks of when Lisa and I would shower together and we would wash each other's hair out. Then we would look each other in the eye for what seemed like forever. We would always smile at each other and then we would kiss so passionately. I cried every time I thought about the flashbacks.

I got out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was red from all of the crying. I just kept on looking in the mirror. I had flashbacks of when I would comb my hair and it would hurt me. Lisa would always take the comb from me, tell me to sit on the toilet seat and she would comb my hair for me. It felt so good when she combed my hair. When she would be done, I would pull her towards me and hug her. Sometimes, I would even pull her pajama shirt up and kiss her tummy. She would tell me to stop and we would continue the day.

I saw a tear come down my face. Then I heard Lisa's voice from what she said last night in my head. All the things from last night kept coming to me. I put my hands on my head and took deep breaths.

"No, please. Stop!" I kept on telling myself.

Then I started to hear other voices in my head from when we would argue. I couldn't take it anymore, so I screamed at the top of my lungs, broke the mirror with my bare hand, and fell to the floor. I cried harder than I ever had before. I had never felt so miserable in my life.

I couldn't take this misery, so I decided to call my long time friend, Faith. I had known Faith since I was five years old. She was three when we met. Anyways, I went to the phone, typed her number in and waited for her to pick up.

Faith's Point of View

I was taking pictures of the sunrise when all of a sudden, I heard my phone ring. I looked to see who it was. It was Michael. I answer it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey" Michael said miserably.

"How are you?"

"Not good."

"Why, what happened?"

I could hear him sniffling. Then he said, "Lisa and I are getting divorced."

I gasped and put my hand on my mouth. "Oh, my gosh, Michael. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Hey, can you come over, please I need someone to talk to."

"Yes! Of course! Ummmmm, give me about 15 minutes and I will be down there ASAP, okay?"

"Okay, thank you so much, Faith."

"You're welcome. See you in a little bit."

"Okay, bye."


I hung up the phone, hurried to get ready to go to Michael's, and went out the door.

Michael's Point of View

I watched a little bit of TV while I waited for Faith. I knew I could count on Faith to talk to me. She had always been there for me. While I was watching TV, I started to have flashbacks of when Lisa and I would cuddle on the couch and watch Disney movies. She would lay her head on my chest and I would kiss the top of her head and sometimes, we would fall asleep right there. I started to cry again. I put my hands on my face. Then, my tummy started to growl at me because I was hungry.

Before I could go to the kitchen, I heard a knock at the door. I walked to the door and open it. It was Faith. She looked so beautiful.

"Hey, Michael."

"Hey, Faith."

"Come in."

I walked a little bit away from the door. Faith came in and closed the door behind her.

I turned around and said, "Come on. Let's go into the kitchen. I'll make us something to eat. I'm hungry."


We go into the kitchen and I make some breakfast. Faith sat down at the dinner table and waited for me. After I got done making breakfast, I take our plates to the table, then I just stand there looking at the table. I had flashbacks of when Lisa and I would talk to each other and said how much we loved each other.

Faith turned around, looked at me and asked, "Michael, are you okay?"

I shook my head a little and said, "Yeah, I--I'm fine."

I sat Faith's plate down and I sat down beside her. We ate our food and I took our plates back to the kitchen. I put one of them in the sink, but then I looked at the other one. It reminded me of Lisa. I started breathing heavily and I got so mad that I threw the plate at the wall. I dropped to my knees and started crying.

I heard Faith come into the kitchen, and she asked, "Michael, what happened?"

She saw me on the floor, so she slowly walked towards me, got on her knees, and hugged me. I hugged her back. Her hug felt so caring. I had never cried this much in front of Faith.

She started caressing my back and whispered, "Shhh. It's okay."

After a while, I finally stopped crying. Faith broke the hug, rubbed my shoulder, and asked, "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head yes and I asked her confidently, "Can you come stay here with me for a few days? Just until I feel better?"

We got up from the kitchen floor and Faith said, "Of course. Let me get some stuff packed from my house and I will come stay here with you for a few days, okay?"


So Faith went back to her house to get some stuff. I decided to go into the living room and watch some TV, so I turned the TV on and laid down a little bit. After about 30 minutes, my eyes were starting to get heavy, then after another five minutes, I was sound asleep.

Faith's Point of View

When I got to the house, I opened the door and I saw Michael sleeping on the couch, so I quietly brought my bags into the living room, grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch Michael was sleeping on, and put the blanket over him so he wouldn't shiver. I thought it was kind of cute, but I knew he fell asleep from all the crying I can only imagine he did. He was asleep pretty much all afternoon.

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