Why I Don't Draw in Class

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Off the bat I am going to tell you sorry, because I am not going to post art so much because of school.  I know other Wattpad artists sneak some doodles at school, but I can't do that because I have small classes.  For one class I have, there are only 11 people and pretty much in all my classes there are the same people because I am a honors student.  Plus if I try to sneak a drawing in my teachers would see me almost automatically because I sit in the front... for every class. :P  So, yeah.  So, this is how it would go down for one of my classes.

Me: (Starts doodling and trying not to make it obvious)
Teacher: (Looks at me)  Oh, I see you like drawing.
Me: (Super shy as always.  Nods head.  Thinking, Oh no, why did I do this?  I knew I would get in trouble.  Hopefully he continues the lesson and leaves me alone.  Oh I am in so much trouble right now.)
Teacher: So what of things you draw.  Do you do a particular art style or do you just doodle?
Me: (Shrugs shoulders while trying not to cry in front of the whole class)
Teacher: Do you like anime?
Me: (Shrugs shoulders again.  Glasses getting foggy.  Thinking, Everyone is looking at me.  Please continue the lesson.  I won't draw anymore in class, I promise!)
Teacher: So you don't know?  Okay, well then. (Continues lesson)
Me: (Glasses really foggy.  On the verge of crying)

So, yeah that is why I don't draw in class.  I hope you understand.  B.T.W. this never happened to me in real life.  If you have any real-life stories like this please comment them! :)  Also, thanks everyone who read this.  I know some people just read art books for the art and when they see a lot of words on a part they automatically go to the next part.


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