This Is Why You Were Tagged

21 3 5

Sorry, I promise there will be art soon.  I just have been busy and I am having a hard time uploading pictures on Wattpad right now.  Wattpad is being a real butt right now.  Anyways the October raffle request thing is still on.  The following people are in the raffle:  EmeraldWolf12 , BoobleAndNiall , Bubblespring101 , Bug413 , flowerpowerpurple , dragonwings9279 , TWITCHY-0w0 , and CreepyJanaa- .  If you are not in this list and you did read, comment, and/or voted on this book and want to be entered in the raffle please comment and I will most likely will add you and for those who don't want to be in the raffle please tell me so I know to not include you.  Just a reminder, I am only picking one person for the raffle.

Good day,


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