Chapter 2: Another Species

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Tbh, i hate this chapter the most. This takes place after the last Olympian and the deathly hollows. Shape and Fred didn't die. No negative comments and I'll take any advice that is given.


Percy POV

I was currently sword fighting my girlfriend Annabeth in the, It was a pretty normal day for all the demi-gods at camp Half-Blood. Annabeth and I have been fighting for about an hour. She is drenched in sweat and panting while trying to slash me with her knife as fast and hard as she can. I didn't have a single drop of sweat on my head, and not even close to being tried. I knew that a lot of campers are watching us in awe wondering who would win this battle. I was also aware that the stroll brothers,Conner and Travis, were taking bets on who would win. I didn't mind though.The thing that sucked about fighting with Annabeth is that she knew my Achilles spot on the back of my neck. I could tell she is trying to find a way to get to my Achilles 'heel' ,located at the small part of my back, but failing with me blocking her. When she made a stab to the left of my stomach leaving her side completely open, I saw the perfect opportunity to strike. I pushed myself forward, swung my sword (Riptide) towards her side covered in armor and heard the clank of the hit. While she was distracted, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards my chest so I could push my sword against her throat. She immediately stoped and glared at me from under her helmet. Gods, She still looked beautiful while she was angry and sweaty.

"Don't be mad Wise Girl." I whispered softly, hoping she won't be mad at me. Even after all the scars we physically and mentally held together, she still made my heart race. I could faintly hear the Stroll brothers walking around the arena getting their money from the bet.

"Im not angry, just disappointed that I'm unable to beat you while you bear that stupid curse." she was now looking more disappointed then mad. We stoped practicing after that and just starting walking randomly around the camp we called home for so many summers. When we passed the Ares cabin, Clarisse walked out and bumped into Annabeth shoving her backwards into my chest.

"Watch it Clarisse" I growled, my gritting my teeth while glaring at her. Gods, Im really tired of her attitude this year, she's been more and more violent after what happened. I wonder if Connor and Travis will prank her with me?

"Shut up Barnacle Breath, anyway Chiron wants the campers to meet him and Mr.D in the Dining Pavilion." she stated in an annoyed tone then grabbed Annabeth arm and yanked her forward towards the pavilion. I rolled my eyes at her and started to follow them. After I catching up, I grasped Annabeth's hand and we walked to the dining pavilion where we could see Mr.D and Chiron with the other campers. We took a seat next to Grover and his girlfriend Juniper. When we sat down, Juniper and Annabeth started talking, questioning as to why everyone is gathered here. Those two became even closer friends when Thalia left camp a few months ago, although they might not be as close as Annabeth and Thalia were. I quickly got rid of those thoughts when I saw Mr.D and Chiron sitting at the head table. I nudged Annabeth to get her attention and saw Grover do the same to Juniper. Annabeth Looked at me and smiled and leaned into my chest as Chiron started talking.

"Good evening campers, me and an old friend have decided that we must interact with the other species, and what better time then after both of those species have just ended a war?" Chiron said in that wise tone of his. Mr.D just rolled his eyes and leaned back into his chair. Lazy old bat I thought to myself.

All the campers sat straighter and seemed more interested in what Chiron had to say after that sentence.

"Excuse me Chiron but who or what is this other species?" Annabeth then asked. I noticed an a little annoyed tone in her voice. Must be because Chiron usually tells her this stuff and she isn't used to him not telling her.

Chiron must of noticed that tone because he smiled and shook his head a little then said in a calm voice "The species is...witches and wizards." I think that angered the Hetcate cabin because they started yelling.



"isn't Hetcate and few of her children and the only one able to produce such power?" The head of their cabin Lou Ellen questioned. I realized then as to why she's head of the cabin. She can stay calm in these situations.

"Yes and no, you see in olden times you're mother blessed some mortals with the power over magic and that's how their species started. Unlike descendants of Hetcate, they are unable to produce their inner power without help, therefore they need wands." Chiron replied. The rest of Lou's cabin calmed down after that.

"Anyway, we decided that we should send some campers to their school for six months then when they return they would bring some campers and stay here for the rest of the six months." Everybody starting leaning forward hoping to be chosen to go to this school for the next six months. I just hope Annabeth and I are chosen.

"These Students are Annabeth Chase" Annabeth grinned as the Athena cabin clapped. "Percy Jackson" I smiled as everyone clapped for me since im the only Poseidon camper. "Will Solace" Will smiled his blinding smile as the Apollo cabin smacked their hands on his back as a congratulation. "Conner and Travis Stroll" those two high fived each other as the huge Hermes cabin cheered. "Lou Ellen" well of course she would go since her mother is the goddess of magic. " Clarrise La Rue" the Ares Cabin cheered for her. "Drew Tanaka" her cabin clapped With less excitement seeing as no one really liked her. "Thalia Grace" the Arthemis cabin ( who were staying for a few days) clapped for their Lieutenant. "And Nico Di Angelo" everyone clapped for the son of Hades. Nico looked shocked at the amount of people cheering for him. I dont think he realizes as to how much everyone likes him.

"Ok now I wish for those campers to be packed and ready to leave for Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry by tomorrow. And No more than Two Bags Please." I noticed that he looked at drew when he said that. Apparently Everyone else noticed and turned to Drew who blushed and hid her face from view.

"That is all, now enjoy you're meal then off to you're cabin. lights off in one hour." Everyone groaned when Chiron said this. After diner I walked Annabeth to her cabin and gave her a goodnight kiss.

"I wonder if the students there are good. Or that they have a lake or something." I murmured to her.

"They probably will, I wonder how big the library is...oh just think of the design of the school!" she replied with excitement at the thought of all the books that are there.

I rolled my eyes at her statement. Annabeth never seemed to get over her obsession with architecture. But I loved how she got so excited when something like that was mention. I never understood why though.

"Calm down Annabeth you know I don't understand what you say when architecture is in the picture." i said she just looks at me and shakes her head and mutters about how I shouldn't get in the way of her fun.

"i know you don't understand but don't rain on my parade with this Percy. Anyway goodnight I'll see you in the morning." she replied. I grinned at her and quickly kissed her lips again only to have her swatt her hand at me. I grinned at her and walked to my cabin singing the finding Nemo song "just keep swimming." I hated the movies for all the mistakes it held in it. I mean, mermaids do not look like that! But, the song got stuck in my head after the Stroll brothers wanted to watch it for our movie day. When i reached my cabin, I quickly changed and hoped into bed excited for the next day.

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