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hello, its Caitlan (if you're new here, hello I'm caitlan). I'm 16, i like harry potter, Kpop, percy jackson, Inuyasha, and I'm very clumsy. I'm deleting this story and quitting writing. not because i don't want to continue but because i cant. for those of you who knew, i recently had cancer. i finished chemo and was cancer free in December. my last 3 month scan found traces in my liver and lungs. today confirmed it. i have cancer again and what i have is very rare so there isn't a lot of options. theres a good chance i wont make it, and I'm okay with that. In the great words of Albus Dumbledore "Do not pity the dead, pity the living." i take that quote to heart. I'm not sad or scared for me, but for my family and friends. My parents who put so much hope and money and time into trying to make me better only to hear the doctor say most who relapse don't make it. the way i see it is: we'll all die one day, some sooner than others. everyone dies, theres always a risk of dying soon. you could die today, tomorrow, or not for another 60 years. In my opinion, death is overrated. it's not some big horrible thing to get depressed and cry over, its another chapter in this shitty adventure we call life. whether or not you believe in whatever God you believe in, or not, death shouldn't be terrifying. you're probably thinking "h o l y caitlan has it all figured out" no i don't sorry to disappoint son, but i know where i stand on this. i cried when i found out, knowing my parents are going through hell at the moment. and knowing my wonderful baby brother who was watching youtube when we found out, knowing he would have to find out. my wonderful older brother who stayed with me for a few weeks, taking the time off from his job and college.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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