(Scarlett's POV)
"Scar, Scar baby, I miss you" I heard the sweet loving voice of my Father whispering in my ear.
I sat up in bed, realising that I haven't had the reality of my father waking me up for years.
I felt a single tear descend down my cheek at the thought of my father dead.
It's been 8 years since the death of my parents and it hasn't been the same since.
I got out of bed, knowing I had school today and I had to go so I could get my education and as much as I hate school, I've always wanted to make my parents proud; even when they were once alive.
It's still strange to me that I still live in the family home; I couldn't bare to leave it.
I walked to my closet and pulled out my Pain hoodie and shirt with my black skinnies and went into my bathroom.
I turned on the shower as I stripped naked and stepped in the shower.
Every time I get in the shower, I trace every scar I have ever created from my arms, to my stomach, thighs and back.
I knew I was a horror of a sight but life for me hasn't been simple.
After I took a shower, I wrapped a towel around me and dried myself off.
"Scar baby, I'm here; are you okay" I heard my bestfriend Rex "YEAH REX; I WON'T BE LONG" I shouted and quickly went into my room to get dressed.
Rex is the only one who knows about everything in my life including about my parents death.
I've known Rex since kindergarten and he's been more of a brother than a friend if I'm honest and we are so alike too.
I was finally dressed, make-up and hair done and as usual I thought I looked like absolute shit.
I grabbed my bag with my phone and ear buds and headed downstairs to see Rex on my couch.
Rex has a key to my house if you're wondering how he got in; he's around my house often just because I live alone.
"Hey Rex" I smiled "hey, how's my babygirl" he smiled and wrapped his arms around me "I'm okay" I half smiled.
He knew I wasn't okay but he knew it was polite to ask.
"Shall we go to school then" he smiled "we might as well" I smiled and linked arms with him.
I locked up my home and we started walking to school, it wasn't far away so it was easy and Rex only lives a couple of blocks from me anyway.
We finally got to school and saw all the jocks outside near the basketball courts.
"Come on, lets go before they catch us" Rex wrapped an arm around me protectively.
We quickly got into school and went straight to our lockers.
"So, whats our first class" I asked "art" Rex smiled "yes, I can finally finish off my Axl Rose portrait" I smiled and hugged Rex tight.
"I know and I can finish off my James Hetfield" he smiled.
We both walked into art, being greet by Miss Eden.
"Hallo, my favourite students" she smiled we both smiled at her and went to our stationary cupboards to get our equipment.
We got our aprons on and our paint brushes and we got started on finishing our portraits.
"Scar, Scar" Rex childishly tried to distract me "go away Rex, I'm focused" I said sticking my tongue out to his direction.
"Scar, oh my god look, Axl Rose is outside" Rex smiled "where" I turned to his direction but faced him with paint across his left cheek.
"Rexy, why have you got paint on you" I asked, a smile forming on my lips "you got paint on me when you turned around" he laughed.
"Well you said that Axl Rose was here, so it's your fault" I giggled and turned back to finish my portrait.
"God, I only wanted a hug ya know" Rex turned away from me.
I put my paintbrush down and wrapped my arms around his waist.
"I'm sorry my Rexy, I love you" I buried my face in his back "nope, I don't want you now" he tried to grasp his way out of my grip but I was too strong.
"Rex, you do love me, I can see the little smile on your face" I said.
Rex turned around in my arms and smiled at me.
"Okay I do love you because you're so cute and I love you" he smiled and kissed my forehead I giggled at him and tightened my grip on him.
The rest of the lesson went by fast, I finally finished my my portrait and I was so proud with myself.
My dad was a massive fan of the 'Guns N Roses so he would be really proud of my portrait.
We soon cleaned ourselves up and started to leave the class.
"Well done today guys, you did awesome, Scarlett, can I talk you for a second" Miss Eden asked.
"Sure, whats up" I asked "I got a note saying that you have a counselling session today" she smiled, this is strange, I've never been to one before.
"Does my english teacher know" I asked "yeah, he knows you have your counselling session" she smiled.
"Okay, thank you" I smiled and left the class room with Rex.
"Rexy, I'm scared" I said "don't be scared babygirl, you'll be okay" Rex smiled.
I shook my head and saw the room number on the note, why have I been booked into a counselling session.
"I'll walk you there" Rex smiled I smiled and held hands with Rex.
When we finally got to the room, I was really scared, never have I endured in a counselling session before.
"I promise baby, you will be okay; I'll see you after and if it gets too much, you know where I'll be" he kissed my head softly.
I smiled up at Rex and kissed his cheek.
"I love you, Rex" I smiled "I love you too, Scar" he smiled.
I watched Rex leave and soon he was gone out of sight.
I stood outside the door to the counselling session and inhaled sharply, I wonder who is behind the door.
A/N first chapter is up, tell me what you think and the photo is of Scarlett.

An Unknown Fate (Rammstein Fanfiction)
FanfictionFor 8 long suffering years, Scarlett Lonesome has been grieving over the death of her parents and she's remained at the family home since. Scarlett is convinced she has been cursed since her parents death but she doesn't dare to go through with suic...