Chapter 2- Meeting Herr Christoph Schneider

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(Scarlett's POV)

I knocked on softly and waited, already anxious and scared.

"Hallo, you must be Scarlett" a guy answered the door "hi, I am" I smiled nervous "come in and have a seat" he smiled and stepped aside.

I walked in and already feared if I was doing something right, is this right for me to do this or not; questions were running through me head.

"So, you're probably wondering who I am, well I'm Herr Christoph Schneider but you can call me Doom or Schneider; whichever you prefer" he smiled and sat on his seat.

I sat on another seat opposite him and played with some chains on my jeans.

"So, Scarlett this isn't going to be an interrogation or anything; I just simply want to get to know you" Schneider smiled warmly I smiled nervous and took a breath.

"Well, not much really, my parents died 8 years ago so I have been defending for myself for nearly a decade and yes I'm still grieving; I'm very depressed and still have night terrors, I'm suicidal, I cut and drink, smoke and do drugs to cope with my parents death" I said.

I looked down at my feet, fearing if he was going to judge me for the ways I cope.

"Well Scarlett, I think thats very brave of you to tell me all of that; I'm not here to judge you, I want to help you" Schneider smiled.

"But no one can help me" I whisper "what was that Scarlett" Schneider asked, boy he has good hearing.

"I don't think this is going to work, no one can help me Doom" I sighed "I can at least try; I've heard a lot about you from all your teachers, telling me what an amazing student you are" Schneider smiled.

I looked up from my feet and glanced at Schneider, a smile forming slightly.

"Really, what kind of stuff" I asked intrigued "they have been telling me how amazing all your work is, especially your art teacher; she had so much to say about you" he smiled warmly.

By now I was really smiling, no one has ever said good things about me except Rex.

"Thanks Doom" I smiled "no worries sweetheart, just remember you are enough and deserve to be here because you're such an awesome human being" he smiled cute at me.

I was so engrossed in him, no one has ever been so kind to me before; he didn't judge me or anything, he accepted me.

"Oh looks like our session is over" Schneider knocked me back into reality "oh, wow time has gone fast" I giggled.

"It sure has, here's your next appointment" he handed me a little card "thank you Doom" I smiled and grabbed my bag, ready to leave.

"Just remember Scarlett, you can always come and talk to me whenever you want" Schneider pulled me into a hug "thanks Doom" I pulled away smiling a little.

"You're welcome sweetie, see you later" he smiled.

I left his room and sighed happily, finally someone apart from Rex is showing signs that they want to help me.

I felt really warm inside, something I hadn't felt in years.

I realised it was lunchtime so I quickly skipped to my English lesson, bumping into Rex.

"Hi, Rexy" I smiled "Scar baby, oh how are you" he asked hugging me really tight "I'm fine Rex" I smiled as he put me down.

"Was it okay, they didn't make you feel uncomfortable did they" Rex asked, panicking slightly.

"Rex..." I shut up him up with my finger "he was so nice and caring" I smiled Rex smiled warmly and embraced me in a warm hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay babygirl" he kissed my head "come on, lets go lunch, I'm starving" Rex laughed I giggled at him and took his hand as we walked down to the canteen.

The rest of the day went by fast and for once I was actually having a good day.

When school ended, I went over to Rex's house for a while, his dad wasn't in which was a shame because he treats me like his daughter and its kind of cute.

"So, what movie should we watch" Rex asked as we entered his room "I wanna watch Alice in Wonderland" I smiled as I tucked myself into his bed.

"Sure baby" Rex smiled and went and did that.

Whilst Rex was sorting the movie out and the popcorn, my thoughts wandered to Schneider, just how nice and caring he was; I think I love him already.

I feel like he can actually help me but at the same time, I feared if anyone could.

Rex had put the film in and he handed me a bowl of popcorn and we snuggled up together in his bed.

My head upon his chest and me tightly wrapped in his arms; this always makes me feel safe.

"I love you, Scar baby" Rex kissed my head "I love you too, Rexy" I kissed his cheek and let sleep take over me.

A/N Chapter 2 is up, more Rammstein to come and the photo is Rex.

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