(Scarlett's POV)
Well I had a successful counselling session; Richard was so nice just like Schneider and...he really understands me.
The rest of the school day went by fast; Rex and I causing trouble with each other, fun times.
Tonight I was heading home alone due to the fact that Rex's dad wanted him to help with cleaning the garage so I said goodbye to Rex after school and started walking home alone.
Walking home really does get you thinking; like if people knew my true life, they would be shocked.
I managed to get home without thinking too much because I have a habit of that.
I was just about to walk to my front door when I saw a car I had never seen before; fuck no, please don't tell me social workers are here to take me away, please no.
I started backing away when I heard a familiar voice "Scarlett, its Schneider" his voice was comforting but concerning at the same time.
I started walking over to my front door where a questionable but worried Schneider stood.
"Hi Schneider" I said "hey kiddo, I'm sorry if I freaked you out" he smiled a little "its okay, I just got scared social workers might have been here to take me away" I said.
"Don't worry about it, mind if I come in" he asked with a small smile "sure, nothing special here but sure" I giggled a little and unlocked my front door.
"Should I take my shoes off" Schneider asked as we walked into my house "nein, don't bother; I like cleaning, it keeps me occupied" I smiled; Schneider smiled and kept his shoes on.
"So, what brings you here and how do you even know where I live" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.
"I looked at your file, sorry but I was concerned about your living conditions so I had check" schneider explained as he sat at my island in the kitchen.
I turned to Schneider and smiled at him, he really does care; I mean come on; no other counsellor would even think to check my living conditions.
"Thank you, Doom" I smiled "what for kiddo" he asked slightly confused "just checking on me I guess" I smiled a little, Schneider smiled, accepting my thank you.
"Do you want a brew or something" I asked "no, I'm good, thank you" he smiled I smiled and left the kettle.
"Hey Scarlett" Schneider said as I sat at the island next to him "I can see your living conditions are okay, is there anything that you do require, like heating and stuff" Schneider asked.
"Not really, just the lack of food really; after my parents died, the house got forgotten about so I don't pay bills or anything but I still have heating and stuff" I smiled.
"Its just lack of food which is without a doubt a problem" I said "well judging by your cupboards, I can see a lack of food" Schneider smiled a little.
I smiled back but noticed something odd lurking within his eyes.
"Doom, whats wrong" I asked "you don't mind if I call you scar do you" he asked "not a problem" I answered.
"Okay, Scar; theres something I need to tell you" Schneider looked at me with a worried look "what is it Doom" I asked he sighed "Scar..." he grabbed my hands.
"As part of your safety, I can't allow you to live like this any longer; I'm required to make sure all my clients are safe" he sighed.
My heart had broken in two, one side of my heart couldn't bare to leave my family home and the other side knew he was going to take me to an adoptive centre.

An Unknown Fate (Rammstein Fanfiction)
FanfictionFor 8 long suffering years, Scarlett Lonesome has been grieving over the death of her parents and she's remained at the family home since. Scarlett is convinced she has been cursed since her parents death but she doesn't dare to go through with suic...