(Scarlett's POV)
I woke up the next morning to the smell of cheese and ham baguettes and sweet muffins.
The smell of food sat me up and at first I wondered why I could smell food but I soon realised that Schneider was here.
I stood up from the couch and saw Schneider sat happily at the my island in the kitchen.
"Hey, good morning munchkin; I got you some breakfast" Schneider smiled "thanks Doom" I smiled and sat next to him, taking a baguette from the bag.
"I knew you would need some food so I went out and got some" Schneider smiled "thanks Schnei" I smiled and took some more bites of my baguette.
"I take it you're gonna make me go to school huh" I said "yes I am but don't worry, we can come home and pack some more stuff" Schneider smiled "yeah I guess" I sighed starting to remember that I'm leaving home.
"What's wrong sweetie" Schneider asked "nothing, I just don't want to leave home" I sighed.
"Scar, believe me; I don't want to take you away but its my duty" Schneider sighed and pulled me into a hug.
"I'm sorry I have to take you away but I promise to you" Schneider made me look at him.
"I promise that when we get to my home; I promise to always protect you, care for you, provide for you and most importantly love you like I love my drum kit" Schneider kissed my head.
I smiled up at Schneider and hugged him tightly.
"I love you, Schneider" I said "I love you too, Scar" he smiled kissing my head.
"Go and get ready and we'll go to school" Schneider smiled "okay but I don't understand; you can't possibly wear the same clothes you wore yesterday" I said.
"I know that, Richard is coming round to drop some clothes off for me" he smiled "ah, that will explain it" I giggled and ran upstairs.
I went to my closet and pulled out a 'Alice In Chains' shirt with my 'Iron Maiden' hoodie and my black jeans.
I quickly got ready into the clothes I picked out and I grabbed my phone and school bag going downstairs.
When I got downstairs, I heard a knock at my door and I knew Schneider was too busy so I went to get it.
"Hallo" I smiled answering the door and realised it was Richard.
"Oh good morning Reesh" I smiled "good morning Scarlett, how are you this morning" Reesh asked as he walked into my house.
"I'm fine Reesh, how are you" I asked "I'm lovely today" he smiled.
"Hey Reesh" Schneider smiled coming out of the kitchen "morning Doom; got your clothes" Reesh smiled "thanks Reesh" he smiled grabbing the bag from Reesh's hand.
"Is it okay if I use your bathroom" Schneider asked "sure go ahead" I smiled he smiled and headed upstairs.
"So, I need to ask" Reesh said "yes Reesh" I asked "erm, has Doom talked to you; you know about you not living here anymore" Richard asked I sighed.
"He has, I understand why and I'm not going to disobey" I said "I know how hard it is to leave home; I know how you feel" Richard said.
"Doom and I don't want to take you away but...it must be done because its part of our duty" he said.
"I know Reesh, that's why I'm not disobeying because I understand" I smiled a little "I'm sorry, Scarlett" Richard pulled me into a hug.
"Its okay Reesh; least I still get a roof over my head with you guys" I smiled "that's very true, you'll love it at our home and honestly; you need more company" he said "I guess you're right" I smiled; Richard hugged me again and I squeezed him tight.
Schneider was soon done in the bathroom and he looked pissed when he came out.
"What's wrong Schnei" I asked as he approached us in the living room "Richard, he got me the one shirt I didn't want to wear" he replied sighing.
"What's wrong with it Doom, its lovely" Richard smiled but I knew he was secretly laughing; Schneider just shook his head and went to his car.
I got my bag and followed him, locking the door behind me and proceeded to the car, getting in it.
"Bye, Richard, I'll see you later" I smiled "bye Scar, see you later" Richard kissed my head and Schneider drove out of my drive.
"I hate to say this to you but that shirt is...hideous" I said "I know it is, I bought it when I was drunk and woke up with it at the side of me the next morning" Schneider laughed "oh dear Schnei" I giggled.
The rest of the journey was quiet but it was a comfortable silence.
We soon got to school and my mind wandered to wanting to tell Rex about me moving; he would like that I have more company.
"Hey Schneider" I said as we got out of his car "yes Scar" he asked "could I possibly tell Rex" I asked.
"I don't know Scar; I have to keep you living with me confidential because myself and Richard are putting our jobs on the line" he sighed.
"Not like that's a bad thing" he smiled and ruffled my hair "so I can't tell him yet" I frowned.
"Not yet Scar, in time of course but our jobs are on the line, we won't stop you from seeing him of course but he can't know yet" Schneider kissed my head.
"I understand Schneider, I won't tell him" I smiled "good and later on; I'll get Chinese if you want" Schneider smiled as we stopped outside his room.
"I'd be up for that, see you later, Schneider" I smiled and hugged him "see you later Scar, meet you at my car after school" he smiled.
I smiled and nodded and ran to class because I was a little late.
At least I can tell Rex, just not yet; I can keep secrets, I think.
I got to class and saw Rex smiling as he sat at his desk for art; I ran over and gave him a massive hug.
"Damn, someone has missed me haven't they" Rex laughed as I sat next to him, pulling out my work.
"Of course I've missed my bestfriend" I smiled and kissed his cheek.
I pulled out my pad and my pencil and started thinking of who my next portrait should be.
Then I found my answer, Richard Kruspe, its not weird to draw your counsellor, I'm gonna be living with him soon anyway.
"So, what did you do yesterday, sorry I couldn't be with you" Rex said as he started drawing "oh its okay, I managed to get some food; I just went straight to bed" I lied.
I couldn't tell him that one of my counsellors had showed up outside my house, no way.
Me and Rex got stuck into work as this portrait was gonna be part of our assignment so we had to focus, oh I couldn't wait for school to be over.
Did I really just think that.
Wow I really must be starting to trust Schneider and Richard; maybe getting a little too comfortable.
But lets face it, I am going to be living with them so I have to get comfortable around them.

An Unknown Fate (Rammstein Fanfiction)
FanfictionFor 8 long suffering years, Scarlett Lonesome has been grieving over the death of her parents and she's remained at the family home since. Scarlett is convinced she has been cursed since her parents death but she doesn't dare to go through with suic...