Why Him..

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^Thanks for the spam Queen!
Y/N Pov
Why Him?
Why Now?
I just got my life back together and he's back.
Why is he here,are they friends now?
After what he did to me he has the nerve to show up at my house.
Wait hows does he know where I live?

"You.what are doing here?!"Sarah says seeing Luke.(Remember when I said Sarah was really protective over her friends.)"Hey Y/N funny seeing you again."Luke said awkwardly."Why are you here,Haven't you already caused me enough pain."I ask almost in tears."Listen I know what I did was wrong but-"Luke tried to explain but was interrupted but was interrupted by me "You Cheated On Me In Front Of Me."I said trying not to cry."I'm just going go,Adein you coming?"Luke said awkwardly before looking at Adien."Nah I'm going to talk to the girls for a bit." Said Adien.Luke leaves the house."So are you two friends now?"Sarah asks bitterly."Yeah Y/N he's really sorry about cheating on you."Adien says look at me."I-I "I stuttered before running to my room."
Nobody's Pov
Adien look what you did!!"Said Sarah looking up stairs worried."I'll go get her."said Emma running upstairs."So Adien hows life."Sarah says blushing."Good we just moved to the neighborhood and yeah." Adien says awkwardly blushing as well."Y-You moved here."Sarah says stuttering."Yeah Luke and I became friends after high school."Adien says smiling."I'm bored."Says Sarah."Same tho."Says Adien."Wanna watch anime?"."Sure." Sarah said and sat on the couch and turned on Corpse Party and they watched anime."

~Meanwhile In Your Room~

Y/N Pov
"Y/N are you okay?"Emma says walking over to me."I'm Just surprised I didn't ever wanna see him again."I say."Same that jerk has no right to come up your house when he knows what he did to you was terrible."Emma says calmly."I just don't wanna see or talk him right now,hey can I be alone please?" I ask sadly."Of course."Says Emma leaves my room.I sigh and put my face into my pillow I sat there bored and sad till I heard my phone go off I get up and answer it Its an unknown number.



My heart almost stops at the sound of his voice.


Luke:Y/n Look I'm sorry I cheated on you like I feel terrible.

You:You should that was terrible!

Luke:Stop yelling please just listen to me I was drunk and that was just a screw up I really was a terrible thing I did to you And I didn't realized till the morning after what had happened.I'm really really really sorry.
              ...Y/n I still love you...

OMI I'm so sorry queens I haven't been posting school is been taking up most of my time so I wasn't able to make that 2000+ word chapter I promised but I'll try real hard to make it But until then I won't promise anything Guys this chap is only 500 words  I feel terrible (like Luke lol)Anyway I got go now by guys.🌺👑(Btw That voting spam up above was from a while ago still am super grateful.)

Word count:567

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