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Zane's Pov
I wake up to hear a heart Monitor beeping
and see a white ceiling as well.I smell the faint smell of hand sanitizer....? Wait beeping,white ceiling,Gross hand sanitizer smell=Hospital.
Why in Irene's name I'm I in a hospital?!
I sit up and see my mother and Y/n sleeping in chairs.M-Mom why is she here? I don't understand what happened to me that was so bad my mom had to come here for.Wait I can't feel the lower half of my body.I try to move my legs.I CAN'T!!! I look over to my right and see my phone.I cautiously pick in up type in my password quickly and go to camera.Please don't be bad,Please,Please.Its bad its really bad My pale face is covered in bruises,my normally bright blue eyes are now paleish gray blueish.My mask is not on so you can clearly see my freckles.My hair looks greasy and the ends are obviously burned.I sigh and close out of my phone and set it down.I look down at my arms both are covered in about a dozen bruises each.My legs are covered in a blanket and quite honestly I can't feel them so I don't want to see them.Just than I hear a yawn and look and see my mom waking up great..."ZuZu?"I look at my mom Oh Irene I felt her hug me.I hate this so much."Your Awake!!"She Exclaims.No sh-duh."Yeah what about it?"I say coldly."Zuzu did you see the date?"She ask sweetly."No Why?"I ask picking up my phone and look at the date.

(I have no Idea what year my streets in Because they had modern phones in high school when to be their age it would have to be the early 2000's for them to be high school.)

It's December

It was the middle of November.

Was I in a coma?

"Zuzu are you okay?OmI please don't be permanently brain damaged!"Zianna said as she freaked out."Jeez mom I'm fine although I can't feel the lower half of my body at all."Suddenly her eyes widen
" Z-Zane that could mean your paralyzed from the accident."My moms said using my real name.Wait Paralyzed!Nononononono.I'm only 26/25 (Don't know how old he is since it says he the same age as aph so)I can't be paralyzed! "Wait paralyzed!?"I said freaked out.Zianna pushes the call nurse button it beeps.Just then y/n starts to stir(No I don't mean stir like mixing stuff .~.).Finally they wake up.She sees that I'm and literally runs over to me.And hugs me we both hate hugs so this came as shock to me."Z-Zane your awake."Y/n manages to stutter out."No duh no I'm sleep talking."I say chuckling."Don't joke with me Zane do you realize what happened?!"Y/n asks the rhetorical question in a serious tone."No?"I said unsure if she was going to explode."Ugh Zane Baka! You were a car accident while we were on our walk the doctor said you were in light coma and there might be permanent damage to your legs."Y/n explains like I should have known this already."That explains a lot my mom say I might be paralyzed."I said in worried tone."P-Paralyzed!? Oh no no no no no!"Y/n is now freaking out.Good job zane you managed to freak out your mother and best friend in um under an half an hour I applaud you my good man just what will I screw up next.The nurse walks into the room her names joy.From what I can see on her name tag.She walks up to my mom they whisper for a minute then walk out of the room.Meanwhile y/n's freaking out calling almost every one on her contact list.I sat there with a poker face on not really knowing what to do just then my phone went off I pick it up only to be greeted with aphmau freaking out to see if I was okay. Apparently there was
a snow storm last night which is why my mom and y/n are still here.Aph was asking if I was okay and that y/n told her I was paralyzed.I explain that I can't feel my legs and that the rest of me is fine.Soon the phone call ends and I set my phone down.My mother and the nurse soon come into the room again.The nurse started to speak really slow to me like I was stupid.Like this "H-e-l-l-o m-r R-o-M-e-a-v-e h-o-w a-r-e y-o-u t-o-d-a-y? I kinda wanted to look at my wrist like there was a watch there but thats rude so I just sat there doing nothing waiting for her to finish."Um fine you know my brains not damaged."I said perfectly fine."Oh.Um ok well the doctor will be here soon everything's a little slow because of the weather."Nurse Joy said smiling."Okay but the sooner the better because I would like to feel my legs again."I said nonchalantly."Yes of course Can I get you anything water,blankets,pillow.?"Nurse joy asked politely."I'm fine for now thank you."I said as nice as I could."Ok then again sorry for the inconvenience."Nurse joy said and with that left the room.I rolled my eyes great."Hey mom wheres my mask?"I ask remembering its gone."Oh zuzu Its at your house y/n got it from the paramedics when you were in the ambulance so its at your house."My mom replied.Nuuuuuu ugh I have to deal with being here as well as not having my mask Worst.Day.Ever. whats been going on since I fell into deep slumber.Ahhhh all the my little horsies episodes I missed!

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