The Final Chapter 👑

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(This takes place on Christmas day.)

Zane's pov
"Remind again why I have to wear this." I said disturbed. "Cause Zane It's the Holidays. Plus if you don't I'll delete all of your recordings of mlp." Y/n sassily replied. "But it's hideous." I added on. " Remind me when I care." She said taking no back sass. "Y/n look at this and tell me you don't find it the least bit ugly."

Y/n Chuckled

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Y/n Chuckled. "Yeah It's ugly." "Wow I didn't know that." I said sarcastically. "Fine wear this." Y/n said handing me an outfit.

" Y/n said handing me an outfit

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"Jeez you're hot." Y/n said a light blush dusted her cheeks. " Shut up. What are you wearing?" I asked curious. "You'll see." She said with a wink. Scaring me a bit. Then she walked into the bathroom. After like 20 mins/1 hour she came out wearing.

 After like 20 mins/1 hour she came out wearing

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(with a messy bun^)

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(with a messy bun^)

Option 1 (the dress.)
"W-Wow You look gorgeous." I said full out bursting with red blush. " Thanks I know." Y/n said confidently. "Modest much?" I joked. "Why be Modest when You can be Fabulous!" She said and struck a pose that kinda made her look like a diseased goose. My Attractive Girlfriend. "Come on you let's go we'll be late like we always are cause you take forever to get ready." She said as she pulled me out the door." Oh god why I dating this girl. I thought with a smile.

Option 2(Meme lord)
"Oh jeez." I said as she walked out. "Aren't I so hot zane~senpai?" Y/n joked sounding like KC. " No." I said coldly. "You know you love me~." She sang. "Stop cringey. Let's go we'll be late you took forever to get ready." I said grabbing her and dragging her out. "Hey I looked hot I had to take a couple of selfies." Meme lord please take back this demonic human thing. I joked in my head and light out a soft chuckle.

(Time skip to when shu get there with your self.)

At the Party

Y/n's pov

"Lolololol I'm bored." I say bored as all hell. Y/n is hit in the head with a newspaper but an unknown force. "Then go do something we're at a party you do realize that right.?" Zane says gruffly. "Wellll Excuse me that my boyfriend doesn't wanna socialize." I say sassily. "Gurl I'm paralyzed it isn't that easy to get around." Zane shoots back sassier. "Well I'd be able to push you around if laid off the cupcakes." I say then randomly thug life glasses appear on my face. "Hey!" Zane says defensively. I just giggle and push zane towards the food and go talk to aph. "Hahaha Whazzup y/n~." says Aphmau hyper af. Slowly y/n takes the cupcake from aphmau's hand and throws it away. Aphmau pouts "Whyyyy you do dis???" Aphmau whines. "I think you've had to much sugar." I say calmly. "You can never have to much sugar." Aphmau slurs then giggles. "Yeahh." Y/n slowly backs up and walks away from aphmau. When they run intooooo! travis. Great. "Y/n what's up lady?~" Travis flirts. "Did you just assume my gender?" Y/n fires back. Travis looks for an escape he finds the right words. "HERE COMES DAT BOI!" and runs away. y/n looks around ready to say the famous line back but there was no frog riding a unicycle to be found. Emotional music plays when y/n realizes her favorite meme is not there. When suddenly a wild luke appears. Y/n uses groan it isnt very effective. Luke sighs "Hey Y/n... You still look gorgeous as always." Lukes says sadly. "Thanks M8." Y/n says back trying to ignore the fuckboi. Y/n tries to walk away but luke grabs her arm. "Please can I just talk to you please that's all ask a minute of your time." Luke begs. "Fine."
Y/n replies.
They head outside.

*Timey wimey skip to when they get outside.*

Y/n Pov.
Oh lord I don't wanna talk this fuck boi. You know it's ironic how in fan fiction when our senpai cheats on us we like immediately forgive them but people hate the ex cheating boyfriend. "K. I'm Here what?" I say boredly. "I'm so sorry Y/n I didn't, I wasn't thinking I thought that you were to good for me and tried to make you break up with me. I regret it all." Luke says really quietly afraid you'll hear him crying. "Look Luke I don't want to hate you I don't. I'd rather we just be really good friends. But I've moved on l think you should as well." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. Lukes nods crying. "I understand and I'll try." He says softly. I pull him in a friendly hug and pat his back. "Luke I forgive you. Don't do that to your next girlfriend she might just shank you." I say and laugh softly. Luke laughs softly "I'm a mess I'm gonna go to the washroom so I don't scare people." He says smiles softly and heads inside. As I do as well.


Still y/n's pov

*Sighs* I'm sorry Luke. I walk over towards Zane whose's taking to Sarah about cats. "Hey guys." I say calmly. "Yo yo homie jo." Replies Sarah. "Sarah. There's the door go home." I joke and point to the door. "Meanie." She laughs.  Zane chuckles "Bakas." He says quietly. "Hey I heard that!" Sarah and I say at the same time. "Wowie telekinesis." She says. "Yee." I reply agreeing. Suddenly Sarah backs up and starts giggling. "What?" I say kinda scared. "Look up." She replies. Zane and I look up only to see aphmau standing on a chair with mistletoe in her hand in which was held directly over Zane and I. I was about to yell at Aphmau when I was interrupted by zane kissing me sweetly.     "Rules are Rules Y/n."

TADA! And that's the end of this book. Lord that took a while. I'm so sorry I haven't been updating life's been complex lately. I'm sorry to end it here but I knew I had to finish the story so some of you would be able to sleep at night. XD. I hope you guys liked my book I'll try and start writing more soon no promises tho. Goodbye.👑 ~ Author Chan.

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