I Might Like Him pt 2

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It's the moment you've all been waiting for!!!!
Y/n Pov
When we got downstairs we saw Kawaii~Chan looking at something and giggling.I gulped looking at kawaii~Chan worried.Aphmau went to see what she did she squealed at what ever it was.Zane and I went to see what she did.We went over there to see what looked to be a shrine with fanart of Zane and I all over it.I gasped and Blushed wildly I looked over to Zane to see if he was as shocked as I was.He was blushing and by that I mean I don't think anyone can get any redder even under his mask I could tell.Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan looked as if they were about to explode because of  our reactions.
"WHY?! What is this?"I asked hating my life right now.
why I'm I blushing sure this is embarrassing but this is so much blush wait a second does this have to do with something else Do I like Zane no thats not possible plus he likes Aphmau...

Shortest chapter yet but I'm sorry I'm busy I try my best.Again you guys are amazing I get updates everyday because people are adding my book to reading list and voting on my books Thank you from the bottom of my heart Thank you.

Word Count:222

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