0: Tunnels and Time

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I woke up in a room full of extreme blankness. The walls were white, the bed I was laying on was white, even the sink in the corner was a shiny, silver-white. It was a jail with no color at all. Sure, I could move around, but every muscle in my body ached as I lay there, wriggling my fingers and toes to make sure I still had all ten of each. I knew my name, and where I was from, which was a good sign. My parents' and siblings' names came right after, along with a mental picture of my school and somes of my friends smiling and waving me over to them. I thought for sure I was going to lose memories after the hard hit my head took.

Of course, you're wondering how I ended up here, in a hospital room, and why I might be concerned about all my attachments and a possible case of amnesia, aren't you?

Well, it happened on a Monday, the most hated day of the week for students all around the United States. I was sleepily doodling on my notes in Advanced Biology when the loudspeaker blared unexpectedly, causing the whole classroom to jump.

"Sierra Parks, report to the principal's office immediately. Sierra Parks, to the principal's office."

All of my classmates, along with my teacher, stared at me with wide eyes, wondering what I could've possibly done to get myself into trouble with the big boss of the school. Maybe Mr. Coveillo found out about the Disney princess stickers I had put all over Ms. Fickel's desk. Or the metallophone I had accidently broken taking a shortcut through the band room. I immediately gathered up my books and hurried out of the classroom, not wanting to get in more trouble for being late than I already am.

Parking my butt into one of the rather comfy chairs outside of the office, I mulled over what unfortunate event I was blamed for now. Lately, I have been on a pranking slump, other than the Disney stickers, but that was rather lame, even for me. The door to my possible doom (aka one night of detention) opened, and Mr. Coviello came rushing out.

"Miss Parks, there is a man by the name of Three wanting to speak with you in my office. He has asked to speak with you alone, and I need another couple gallons of coffee."

The principal hurried off to the teacher's lounge with his tiny, little coffee cup in his hand. The nervous pit in my stomach grew heavier, but I mustered my courage and got ready to meet this mysterious Three.

He was sitting behind Mr. Coveillo's desk, with his shiny black shoes propped up on some papers, one of which I could make out my name on. A black cowboy hat was pulled low over his face, and his shirt was a crisp white. "Miss Parks, I assume?" He asked me in a low voice.

"Yes, sir." I managed to squeak out.

"I have a proposition for you." Three sat up, carefully picking his feet off my student file. "My boss has requested me to get you for a top secret mission, involving the fate of this school, town, and even this country."

I gulped nervously. "Why do you need me for this?"

He lifted up his hat to seemingly look into my eyes, even though large sunglasses obscured his gaze from view. "Because you know well the pathways and passages this school has, being the little prankster you are. And also because there is a present terrorist threat that is going to have this little high school as the center for its start to the path of destruction."

I was silent, mulling this news over. Sure, no one other than me, and possibly the janitor, knew about the secret door to the teacher's lounge behind the impact mat in the gym. But me? Helping to eliminate a terrorist threat? I can't even figure out my alarm clock, let alone disassemble a bomb. "Do I get anything for helping out with this mission?"

Three tapped his chin, thoughtful. "How about a thousand dollars?"

I held out my hand. "You got yourself a tunnel expert."

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