Mission: Author's Note

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That experience was five months ago from this next operation. Of course, during the time I was in the hospital, my parents suddenly died in a house fire.

I accepted Three's offer to join C.A.P.H.U.T. two months after that first experience, or as he called it, my test assignment. But, even in training, and as a full agent, I couldn't stay out of trouble for long. So, the following missions, mishaps, and operations are all for your enjoyment....at least, that's what M told me.
M also told me that many of you were waiting for something starring yours truly. I still think she's plotting to take down CAPHUT with this top-secret information she's trying to torture--*ahem* I mean, wrangle out of me.

So, Sierra, can I take back the author's note that you forcefully started to write while I was taking a real-life break?

Get that zapping pen away from me and I will.

This isn't--okay, fine, just put the gun down.

Thank goodness she's gone. Anything Parks told you about me was quite possibly a lie at the worst and a half-truth at the best. Warning, though, she tends to be a little rash and a lot stupid when it comes to decision-making.



Well, just dodged that bullet. You know, literally. Hopefully she'll actually get me some, preferably from Buffalo Wild Wings.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand: the author's note.

So, I started the character of Sierra Parks in a short story I had to write for English class. After I turned "Tunnels and Time" in, and got another A, I started toying with her and her story. It developed first into a part in my Mortals-Meet-Demigods fanfiction "Those Strange People", where Sierra meets Leo and Calypso while investigating a terrorist threat.

Now, Miss Parks gladly allowed me to interview her on her many misfortunes and mishaps to produce a story for all my lovely readers on here.

A few things before we get going.....

-C.A.P.H.U.T: Citizens of America Protecting Humans Under Threat-- that is the acronym spelled out, if you haven't yet read the Sierra Parks section in TSP. Reasons are that I think it's a unique acronym, and that I live in America, so it's the easiest place for me to work with. Sorry, all you non-Americans. You still all rock because, hey, getting to know people from different countries is awesome!

-Miss Parks has a rather bad mouth. I will try just to hint at the cursing, but it is possible that I will throw something in there just for the sake of it.

-I will try to organize these chapters the best I can. When a chapter title starts with "Operation", it means that the next few are going to be following that timeline, until another "Operation" or a "Mission". The titles starting with "Mission" are either A/Ns or a sort of one-shots. Titles with "Assignment" are usually the ones following "Operation". And the ones titled "Classified"? Well, that's....classified.....
You'll see once I put more parts out there. (I will also try to draw out and publish a picture of what the timeline looks like if I have the time. I'm still toying with it.)

-If you happen to have the time, check out a few more of my books, or randomly PM me if you're bored. I enjoy being spontaneous, and if I can strike up a random conversation with a random person, it will likely help me from losing my mind with all the schoolwork I have to do.

Thank you all for any constructive feedback and comments, and enjoy Operation: Agent Parks!!


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