Chapter 7: Blush

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I could get used to this feeling of sleeping and waking up in comfort, the plush bed sheets surrounding me as I slept into new bed. There had been an immense luxurious shift in my lifestyle in one single day, and I couldn't help but rejoice the feeling of sleeping and waking up in an actual bed after such a long period of time. Stretching my arms up in the air, I got up from the fluffy comforter and went out of the room to check on Harry if he was awake or not.

I saw him lounging on the couch, deep in thought with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His jaw was tensed and lips pursed, and it gave me the hint that he didn't want to be disturbed.

As I was about to head back and leave him alone, I was stopped by his familiar voice calling out for me.

"So you finally decide to wake up," he smiled, the sudden change in his demeanour confusing me. Why was he masking his tension?

I arched my eyebrow up at him.

"For how long have I been out?" I asked, dubious.

"A day," he smirked. My eyes widened in shock and disbelief. I had never slept in for such a long time, merely because I never got the chance to do that. In the hiding, it was always waking up early in the morning and sleeping late at night. Sometimes I didn't get any sleep at all, which was majorly because of fear or an unfinished chore.

I did sleep late at the thought of my family, an hour or two after lying down or so. But sleeping for a whole day compensated for that and made me feel as fresh as ever. I had so much energy in me that I could clean in whole house in a jiffy.

Not to be too judgemental, but dud Harry ever clean this place? There were specks of mud every where.

"This place needs cleaning," I stated bluntly, placing my hands on my hips and gazing all around.

"Where did that come from?" he furrowed his brow again, this time playfully.

"Well I've slept all day and now I have too much energy in me. I have to utilise it in something or the other. Plus, it looks like you haven't cleaned this place up in years," I gestured my hands all over the place.

"I never got the time to do that. It had always been either saving the planet or hiding. I never took cleaning as a priority."

"But getting all this expensive stuff was?" I raised a brow, referring to how this place looked like a normal household with all the couches, beds and even a tv. Why did he have a tv? Salvatore had cut off all types of communications and electricity sources.

"I didn't get it all in one day," he defended himself in mock anger. "Wherever I found something or the other out of which I could make some use, I took it home."

"Very well then," I retorted. "Let me work on the maintenance now. Can I?"

"You won't work alone," his eyes narrowed. "Ill help you."

"Do you even know the meaning of cleaning?"

"Of course I do. I used to clean my room back at Sebum everyday. Coming here just washed the habit off, but not the skill," he winked at me, grabbing two damp cloths from what looked like the kitchen area and threw one at me.

"So tell me which corner to wipe off?"


After a good two hours of constant wiping, dusting and minor water fights, the cave or whatever it was looked as good as new. We had a tough time getting rid of the spider webs since every time we'd spot one, I'd scream so loud that Harry had to drop his broom and cover his ears. He was extremely sensitive to my screeching, and I hadn't expected this from him since he had such a tough and rough guy sort of exterior.

"Are we done now?" he wiped a bead of sweat over his brow, wincing when his finger accidentally brushed a deep cut on his forehead. It was the worst gash on his face condition wise, and I could make out that he hadn't taken care of himself. The safety of the humans came first for him.

"Let me clean that up," I suggested hesitantly.

"I think you've cleaned up enough," he nudged my shoulder. "Go take some rest. I'll bring you something to eat."

"Harry, I think I've had enough rest. You really need to clean those cuts because you can get infected, and if you don't know how, I'm willing to help."

He sighed, realising that there was no point arguing with me.

"Ill get the kit."

He disappeared into his room for a short moment before coming back with a white box in his hand. When I opened it, the contents were different from that of a normal first aid kit. There were medicines and antiseptics in it that I didn't recognise. The only common thing which it had were probably the bandages.

"What is all this?" I asked him, baffled.

"You really think I'm going to use human medicine?" He snickered. "They could burn me for gods sake. I don't know what my body can handle and what it cannot."

"You are partially human right? You can try."

"A lab rat is the last thing I'd rather be who it comes to testing human products. I despise being experimented with," he looked away from me, because he knew that we were thinking of the same thing; his mutation.

"But you've already been experimented with," I spoke before I could think. Why cat I have a fucking filter over my mouth?

The shadow of a little bit of rage, and more of grief flashed over his eyes for split second.

"It wasn't my choice, Violet."

The hatred he had for his so called father was so intense, that I could feel all of it radiating from his body. Fuming with anger, his eyes refused to look anywhere except the ground. After a much awaited silence between us two, I decided to speak.

"So how do you use these things?" I asked a little too excitedly so that the heavy tension in the thick air could be diffused.

"In the same way like humans," he said, no sign of enthusiasm in his voice.

I nodded my head and proceeded in cleaning his wounds. Taking some cotton, I dabbed a bright purple liquid on it, which had some alien language written on it. I wasn't quite sure if it was okay to apply this on his cut, but since Harry didn't stop me, I figured that this might be the right thing to use.

He winced and his head jerked back when the cool acetone like liquid came in contact with his exposed blood.

It made me laugh how such a tough guy like him had the acetone hurting his lip. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the smile from showing on my face, but it displayed itself nonetheless.

"Something funny?" he quirks an eyebrow at me, not caring about the bruise that was above that one. I slight grin could be seen on his split lips.

"Look at you," I narrowed my eyes playfully at him. "Harry Salvatore. Nothing can scare you and come in your way from saving the earth, and yet here you are, wincing from a little bit of blood cleanser."

"Harry Styles," he corrected me. "That's the name I prefer going by now."

"And it just burns," he smiled, the ghost of a blush creeping onto his face. Why was he blushing?

"Why are you so tinted and flustered?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Told you m'not used to burns," he shied away from my heavy yet not so serious gaze.

I could tell he was lying. I gave him the oh really now look.

"Fine," he muttered stubbornly like five year old boy. "I haven't been around a girl in these past few years. Been too busy working for that godforsaken nut of a father."

My hands slipped off his face since I couldn't control my laughter. I needed something to hold my stomach so that it didn't hurt while I laughed.

After a few minutes of winces and cleaning, Harry was all done and I applied one last bandage for the finishing touch.

"All done. Few more days and you'll be as good as new," I told him, placing my hands on my hips. I was pretty impressed with my work. He looked like someone who had just experienced an accident, with those white contraceptives covering his face. I smiled at the thought.

"I don't know how long it will take for them to heal, but I hope they're okay as soon as possible," I said, fixing a bandage which was on the verge of falling off his face.

"Well you could always kiss it better," he retorted cockily, the smirk on his face faltering when he realised what he had just said.

"I'm sorry. I have no idea why I said that," he looked at me with embarrassment in his eyes. The boy already looked wrecked by the look of his face, clad in bandages. I had no right to make him feel bad about himself. So I just decided to act as if it was nothing.

"Its okay," I shrugged, turning away from him and walking into my room so I could mask myself, and so that I could stop him from seeing that he had been the cause behind the blush that had now crept on my cheeks because of him.


A.N. Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter and I hope you like this story! I've been working really hard but you guys rarely comment and vote. It would be really nice if you appreciated it and let me know what you think :) comment vote and fan :D do your thing. Ily



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