Chapter 15: Where it all started

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"Where are my pancakes?!" Louis whined like a kid, banging his knife and fork on the table. He'd been acting like such a prissy since the moment he woke up from that couch in the morning. First was him complaining about how his back ached because he slept uncomfortably all night. Second was how he couldn't find a brush, and how he demanded one since he couldn't start off his day without cleansing himself.

And now this. He was acting as if he was the queen of England, and I was his slave. I had to remind him that slavery had been abolished a long time ago. Well yeah until it was brought back by Salvatore.

"Can you like wait for a minute? It's Candace's chance to have her serving," I scolded him as I flipped another pancake on the stove. This earned me a giggle from candace's mouth, her usual bubbly laugh sounding off than the real one. She had become so weak that it was painful to even look at her with those chapped lips, that pale face and lose light brown hair that were eventually losing their colour and volume.

"But she just did!" The lad fought back, throwing his hands in the air as if he was trying to punch an invisible force.

"She needs the food Louis. More than you do," I said. After our short encounter last night prior to me coming out from Harry's room, Louis and I had spent a few minutes together. I had told him about candace's condition and how we had to be as careful as we could with her.

His face changed emotion the moment he realised what I was referring to. Keeping his utensils down on the table, he patiently waited for me to finish cooking the pancake. When it was ready, he walked up to me, taking the hot pancake and placing it on candace's plate with a smile on his face. A smile that genuinely screamed, I'm sorry for being such a whiny brat.

"Good boy," I smiled and patted his brunette hair in appreciation. Having more and more people around me and having to live and talk with them without fear c*ckblocking after such a long time almost made me forgot the special situation we were all currently in. It felt as if it was just another ordinary day in our lives. Our old lives, not to forget.

"How long have I slept? God, my head aches," we all snapped our heads in the direction from where this had come from, only to find Harry sitting on a chair and rubbing his temple. He had crept in so silently that none of us had heard him.

"Did you take your dose Harry?" Louis all of a sudden asked with concern. His demeanour had taken a u-turn within seconds.

What dose?

That only made Louis earn a rather threatening glare from Harry, as if he was trying to tell him that he shouldn't have had said that out loud. Louis understood what he meant and bowed his head down in guilt, mouthing a sorry to him. Both of them thought that this rather gruesome exchange that took place between them had gone unnoticed by me. But they were wrong.

I was pretty well aware that they were hiding something that was under the concerns of Harry's health, it was pretty obvious, and if they don't tell it to me by themselves, I will have to do some sneaky investigation from my side.

"Had any nightmares?" Louis asked him, trying to divert his attention from the actual reason which was still confined to the both of them.

Something changed in Harry's eyes upon hearing that, a sensation of fear which I had never seen before appearing for a split second. But within a click, it was gone. It was replaced by hesitation and uneasiness.

"No," he just simply said, and I knew he was lying. There wasn't any doubt in that.

"Okay," Louis said, looking down at his plate and playing with the fork. The atmosphere held a heavy tension and an awkward silence. Nobody uttered even a single word until I broke it.

"Who wants more pancakes?" I asked with a little too much of excitement. All heads turned to me with a nod, except Louis' because I hadn't fed him once in the past half an hour.

"So now you're asking me, Violet?" He squinted his eyes, those thin slits shooting me a playful glare and a childish scoff was emitted by him.

"You'll get your pancakes Louis," I paused for a moment, looking sternly at the hopeful brunette. "After Harry get's his first plate!"



After the little commotion at breakfast, Louis had managed to eat the pancake I had supposedly made for Harry.

I was now taking a shower in the only bathroom which was in Harry's room, completely indulged in the way the warm water caressed my body. That was until I could hear soft murmurs coming from the bedroom.

"Shut up Louis! She'll hear you," Harry hissed, and even through the loud sound of the running water, I could hear him. He sounded so constrictive, as if he was the holder of the biggest secret in this world.

"I don't care Harry! I know you haven't been taking your doses. You know what it will do to you right?" Louis spat at him, equally angry as Harry was. But his voice had been reduced to a hushed whisper.

"I know," Harry sighed, sounding completely different than before. He sounded guilty.

"Ill just take it right now," he said, and after that, all I heard were heaved footsteps until he left the room. I stood there speechless in the shower, letting the hot water caress every curvature of my body. It had started to burn at certain places, but I couldn't care less. All I could think about the brief conversation that had took place between Harry and Louis, both at breakfast, and right now. What was it that they were hiding from me?

If I hadn't been so mildly indulged in my thoughts, it would've been impossible for me to hear the subtle knock made on the door, followed by Louis' voice.

"Planning to spend the whole day in there love?" He cheerfully asked being able to change his mood within seconds.

"Ill be out in a while," I absentmindedly peeped. I was in no mood to return the cheery demeanour. There was a massive secret being kept from me, and I couldn't handle it. Louis left me and my thoughts alone with an awkward okay, and was yet again engulfed by only the water, and my loneliness.


"Remind me why we are here again?" I breathlessly mumbled once we entered the main city of Birmingham. The sight around me was just the same as last time. Everything was wrecked with debris scattered all around. Sounds of mice nibbling a snack or two could be heard coming from small cracks and crevices.

"With the addition of this goof," Harry patted Louis' back. "We ran out of food and medicines. Again."

"Did you leave something for Candace to eat?" Louis piped, completely ignoring the colourful compliment Harry had just delivered for him.

"I kept some food and her daily dose of medicine by the table for when she wakes up," I emphasised the word dose, hoping it would make these two boys realise that I had overheard them talking.

Harry shifted his eyes and Louis cleared his throat.

"We might need some more doses for her, don't you think?" I did it again, trying to provoke the much wanted reaction out of them. But I sadly didn't get any. They acted casual and innocent.

While we walked through the broken ledges and crumbled cement, I felt a weird tingling sensation in the pit of my abdomen. It felt like I had been here before. Like I have breathed in the air of this place somewhere in the past.

I had started walking faster than Harry and Louis, going in my own direction rather than following them to where we could find more food.

"Violet stop! It's not safe," I heard Harry calling out for me. But I ignored him. My feet were taking me somewhere my instinct wanted to go. I didn't even realise it. I was running.

I kept running and running. Away from Harry. Away from Louis. Running where my mind took me.

I could hear the tumbling of debris behind me, I could hear Harry running behind me. After me.

But I didn't stop.

I had no idea where I was going. But I knew my destination was close by. Just a few more minutes and ill reach there.

I was breathing heavily without even noticing. I had no idea how fast my pace was, but I knew it was fast enough since Harry and Louis couldn't catch up with me despite being the stronger ones.

"Harry stop her! She's going into the red zone!" Louis said to Harry, his voice desperate and laced with the only emotion I had grown to subside within me; fear. Red zone. That clearly meant danger. But I didn't care. I kept taking long strides away from the place that was considered safe.

"Violet please! I'm begging you! Stop!" Harry cried after me. Why couldn't I stop?

Running past a few more broken pavements and fallen trees, I came across a road in the clearing.

Everything around me was silent.

A bad silent.

The silence before the storm.

Images of a three year old me driving a tricycle on the very footpath infront of me flashed through my mind.

Images of me trying to teach my sister how to do the same came running back.

I turned around, hoping I don't see what I fear I would.

But there it stood, tall and eerie amidst the other buildings. The place where it all started, the nightmare from which I don't think I will ever wake up.

There it stood, my old home.

Hai hai hai sorry for the late update bye bye bye

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-Sarah xo

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