Writers p.o.v
I made my way to the kitchen to refuel my thinking cap with a pop. When I came across my target, I only thought about what would go with this. I placed my pop on the table to go grab a cookie to only return to find out my pop is gone!!!
Chapter 3
When I came to, I found out I was still in the woods where I dragged Jane into. As I attempted to stand up, a flash of pain surged through me. I laid back down, trying to ignore the pain. I looked down at my sweat shirt to only find that Jane has taken it.
"Looks like you've been in one hell of a knife fight." I said to myself. As I tried to stand up, the pain just told me to lay back down and go to sleep....
"Hey Jeffery, how you doing, fuck face?" Said a familiar voice.
I opened my eyes to see Jane's looking right back at me.
"Wow," she said with a smug voice. "I wonder what happened to you, Jeff. Did you get into a fight with Eyeless Jack and Ben?" She laughed.
"Go to sleep, Jane," I said with a strained voice.
"Hmm..." She hummed. "I don't want to. I'm not tired."
She walked over to a stream and filled a plastic bottle with water.
How could I not notice that!? I thought. My throat has been killing me.
She walked back over to me and opened to bottle she has just filled up with water.
"Open up, Jeffery." She said with a harsh tone.
"Don't ever call me Jeffery again." I said, snatching the bottle of water from her.
I put the bottle up to my lips and downed it in less then five seconds.
"Wow, you must have been thirsty." She said with a caring tone in her voice.
We both sat there in the middle of the forest in total silence for a few more minutes.
"Hey, Jeff," said Jane with a soft voice. I sat up with a strain to look her in the eyes.
"What?" I replied in a harsh tone, my fingers wrapping around the handle of my knife.
"Um..." She hesitated.
"Why did you ruin my life?"
I was shocked by the look on her face. It looked as if she was about to cry.
"Well, are you going to answer?" She said in a shaky voice.
I looked her in the eyes and laughed.
"It was the funniest thing I remember doing!" I answered. "I wish I could do it again just to watch you cry so I can laugh in your face."
Sadness turned into rage as she took her foot a kicked my chest. Falling back to ground, I almost forgot about the previous wounds she gave me earlier.
"I can't even b-believe I t-tried to help you!" She screamed.
I withdrew the knife from my pocket and stabbed her thigh. I watched as she fell to the ground beside me, hugging her leg once more.
I stood up and looked back at Jane, and then the stream. Grabbing a fist full of her hair, I dragged her over to the stream and dunked her face into the water.
Countless bubbles came from the stream. I watched with amusement as she flailed around, trying to get me to release my grip. I held her under the water until she stopped struggling so much.
I brought her head from under the water. She fell to her hands and knees gasping for air. I then brought my foot down on her back.
Ripping my knife out of her leg, I took off towards home.
I was almost to the edge of the woods when I heard a loud crying.
Jane's. I thought. It could only be hers.
I ran back to Jane only to find out she has passed out from the loss of blood.
Mustering all the energy I had left, I picked her up bridle style and made our way back to my house.
It must have been a long while because Jane had woken up.
"J-jeff?" She asked in the softest voice I've ever heard her use.
"Yes jane?" I asked.
"Thanks for not leaving me....."

Jeff the Killer (heart break)
Roman d'amourJeff is alone with his thoughts and cold heart. Is there anyone in this entire world that can save him from his self? Maybe jane or Emily can...