Sorry I started to give up since I'm not getting that many like but I'm really sorry and for those who read it I'll keep writing. PLEASE LIKE IT STAR IT FOLLOW TELL YOUR FRIENDS.
chapter 15
HOW THE HELL COULD HE DO THIS TO ME?! HE LFT ME HERE...and...after all that we want through. He just left...what did I do to make him leave me?
I fell to my scratched knees. I felt my warm tears fall down my face as I looked down at the hard wood floor.
I look at the door and then to the broken shards of glass from the lamp that I threw at Jeff's head.
I stood up slowly, still shaking from the fight that I had with Jeff. I looked over at the tv and turned it on. I walked right into the nearly cleaned kitchen and opened the freezer.
I guess I'll have to get over this some how. I'll try what I see on tv. I grabbed a tub of strawberry ice cream and a huge spoon from the drawer. I was so used to grabbing knives that I grabbed a huge knife from the knife deck.
"Fuck it, I'm not a normal girl!" I trew the ice cream to the ground, trashed the spoon, and pulled my hood over my head.
As I made my way out of the house, I glanced at a picture Jeff took of us. It was the night of my 1st hunt with Jeff.
///flash back///
"'s going to be alright will."
"Why the hell are you doing this to me, Emily!?"
I then held the knife under his white v-neck tee shirt. I watched as the red left his once peachy light tanned skin. I glanced at his short blonde hair. "Because you're not beautiful..."
"What are you taking about? I'm handsome, right?"
" you're not. Flaws are beautiful, and you have none." With that said, I plunged the knife right into his blue eyes. A screech of pain left his lips.
I then pulled out the knife and used it to slit his throat. I backed away from his body and glanced down at my hands. My hands were now covered in his blood. So putrid and destructive. His body was....mangled.
"Good job, Emily."
I turned around to see Jeff clapping slowly. He had on a solid black tee and his hoodie in his left arm. I then threw on his hoodie. His hoodie came down past my waist and the end it came down to my knees.
I felt his arms wrapped around my waist. "J-Jeff, you're so beautiful."
I felt his lips crash into mine. After a minute he pulled back and snapped a picture of me.
"Jeff, I hate pictures!"
///end of flash back////'
I felt as the happy feeling left me. Why would he, and after all that I did for him? I lifted my hand and rubbed my cut-in smile. I gave so much for him.
I walked outside and look up at the bright moon.
"I remember when Jeff took me to the was so beau-." I stopped myself and began to cry silently. I remembered the cold lake. Its cold winds blowing over my leathery skin.
//////7 weeks ago ////////
"Jeff, I don't want to go anywhere. I want to go home and sleep."
"Come on , Emily. It's only 11:30, we have enough time."
"Well can I take off the blindfold?"
"No, not yet!"
I felt Jeff pick me up and throw me. For a second I thought he was just going to carry me. I then felt the cold sensation of the of the lake and then I was submerged in the lake.
I walked closer to the mailbox and found a letter written inside. It was from that fuck face Jane.
I opened the not without hesitating and thee the envelope on the ground.
I told you I'd have him one way and one day, but you kept getting in the way. He must have really gotten tired of you. He came to me at his own will.
I guess he just needed some time to realize who he really loved ~Jane
I crumbled up the note and fell to my knees. "I-I-I need...Kahlan!"
I wiped my far of all the tears clouding my vision and ran down the street to her house.
By the time I reached her block the while street was filled to the brim with cop cars. I walked up to a husky sized man with a black slick pants and his blue uniform. Next to him was a women with the same uniform on. Her long blonde hair flowing in the wind. I envied her peachy skin. Her smile was war, enough to warm up the whole room. I reached into my hoodie pocket and rubbed my thumb on the tip of my knife. I felt the sharp pain when it broke my skin. I lifted my hand above my head and felt as the cold...crimson colored liquid fell on my face.
Without a second thought, I withdrew the knife from my hoodie and lunged at the husky cop. I plunged my knife into his chest. I pulled into out quickly and plunged it into the screaming women's stomach. I walked over to the first cop and stared him cold in the face.
At first I thought I was going crazy when I saw that the cop's face was replaced by no other then Jeff's.
"J-Jeff!? I'm so sorry...please, Jeff...come back to me." I blinked as I was back to looking into the cop's face. He's confused, but in so much pain from the stab wound.
"W-Who's J-Jeff?!" He was laying in a pool of blood and was fading fast. I did what was needed and carved a smile into his face and slit his throat.
I look at the women that was across from me. I felt so bad for her, but at the same time...I didn't give a royal shit!
I lunged at her and went savage. She reminded me of Kane. I didn't even use my knife. I plunged my hands...into her stomach and tore out her insides. I reached in deeper and ripped out her lungs and watched her eyes go off course and fall to the back of her head.
Lastly, I tore out her heart and shoved it down her bloody throat.
I bent down to her left ear just before she died, I whispered. "My fucking hate.."
I looked behind me and found Kahlan's door wide open. At first I didn't know what to do.
I ran inside to find not Kahlan and her family giving me another childish look for coming into her house covered in blood again, but to see that Jeff had beat me to her. Everything was covered in blood. The cops had came in and cleaned everything up.
I felt the hot tears run down my face. I looked back at the ground to see only four pools of blood and not five. One of them had to be Kahlan and that means one of them were at the hospital. I pulled my hood over my head and took off to the hospital. Only later did I realize my tears dried so fast so easily. All I could think of was what I was going to do to Jeff when I find him.
Any one want to learn about how kahlans family allowed a blood covered emit into their life ask COMMENT and I'll make the awesome chapter. only if I get four people to ask. I don't want to type it and have no one read it!!

Jeff the Killer (heart break)
RomanceJeff is alone with his thoughts and cold heart. Is there anyone in this entire world that can save him from his self? Maybe jane or Emily can...