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"sometimes people are beautiful. not in looks. not in what they say. just in way they are."
-markus zusak

HIS BODY WAS INCREDIBLY WARM, as if the sun was beating down on all of his insides, washing the interior of his being with yellow; as if he was the sun, and he was shining his light upon the creatures and the ravishing fields of flowers lining the outsides of their residence; making them flourish and grow and radiate.

or, maybe it was just the weed.

whatever it was that made josh see tyler this way, had josh utterly smitten with the boy and everything that he was. josh didn't know where he would be if it weren't for the brown-eyed boy sitting in his lap. he decides that a world without tyler is not a world he would want to ever be a part of.

"you are so special," he breathes into tyler's neck, his voice deep and filled to the brim with wonder. tyler smiles, his toes curling in his socks and his eyelashes fluttering.

"how did the universe even come up with you?" josh asks, pulling his head away from the younger boy's warmth. his lips are a rosy red and his eyes are big; gazing at tyler with an absurd amount of fondness and way too much adoration.

a breathy laugh tumbles out of tyler's parted, plump lips, the sound meeting josh's ears elegantly. tyler threads his hands through josh's brown hair, the natural curls falling from his fingers and cascading over his forehead. "i could ask the same of you," tyler says, his eyes shining and his face rosace.

josh turns his face into tyler's hand, seeking out the warmth and comfort there, his own cheeks now blazing. josh doesn't blush often, but when he does, just, wow, tyler adores it.

the sun's rising behind tyler's back somewhere. he can feel it; can feel the rays beginning to soak into his supple skin; can see the odd, brilliant shades of pink and blue and red and lilac shining on josh's masculine face.

they love sunrises, and tyler can't seem to remember a time when he hasn't sat in josh's lap at five in the morning, slowly witnessing the world come alive after it's rest. they're both quite peaceful beings, and sitting on their large balcony while the outside world wakes from it's comatose state, only deepens how wonderful they feel.

"can i kiss you, darling?" josh mumbles, hands moving under tyler's large shirt, roaming the warm skin of his pale back. for as long as the younger one can remember, josh has always asked before kissing him. it makes tyler want to give him the world. his touch leaves trails of bumps on his skin, and his voice arises the most wondrous ideas.

tyler nods, eyelashes fluttering, lips succulent and pink, cheeks red and heated. he's the prettiest thing josh has ever seen.

josh smiles, leaning towards the beautiful boy in his lap. tyler grins too, and this makes josh's become wider, and soon they're knocking teeth and giggling. maybe it was the kush, or maybe it was the drug-like adoration running through josh's body, like sparks of electricity igniting things and wreaking havoc in the most peaceful way possible.

"angel," josh says, carding his hands through the soft hair when they pull away, love dripping from his lips like molasses; slow, steady, forgiving, sweet. "let's paint, yeah?"

tyler nods happily, licking his lips, and then smiling. the sun shines warm against his back now, framing his profile with ethereal light. josh is mesmerized.

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