Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen
Bloody Birthday

"Happy birthday." Edward smiled and kissed me sweetly the second my eyes opened the next morning on the Fourth of July.

"Thank you." I smiled and kissed him back. "I had a dream about you."

"Really?" He asked curious. "What happened?" Edward asked.

"It was just you." I smiled. "Laughing and smiling, with a little recap of last" I smirked.

"Sounds perfect." Edward smirked and kissed me again.

"It was." I sighed.

"You're not still worried about any danger or me leaving you, are you?" Edward asked, concern clear on his face.

"Not as much as I was." I admitted stretching out my sore muscles.

"Alice, how many times do I have to promise you?" Edward chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me towards him. "I am never leaving you."

"The future can always change." I smirked and he attacked my face and neck with kisses.

"Okay, you should get dressed and come downstairs before Emmett comes up here and kidnaps you. Everyone's very excited for your birthday." Edward chuckled.

"Why? It's not important to me or anything." I giggled.

"This is the first real birthday in this family since Emmett. Try to play along and be overly nice, we all need this more then you think." Edward smiled and kissed me before ushering me off into the bathroom.

I dressed in a black skirt and a light green t-shirt and I slipped into my ballet flats as I left Edwards room and danced downstairs.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone cheered as I entered the kitchen, the whole room decked out in streamers and banners.

"Aww!" I giggled. "This is so sweet!"

"We wanted to surprise you, did it work?" Carlisle asked hopefully.

"Definitely." I laughed.

"No we didn't, that's her lying laugh." Edward chuckled.

"Lying laugh?" I giggled. "What's a lying laugh?"

"That funny, off-sounding laugh you get when you're lying. I know it because you only use it when you're trying to spare someone's feelings." Edward laughed at me.

"I really do appreciate all of this, and trust me a surprise would be refreshing, but I really can't stop the visions from coming." I sighed.

"Don't worry sweetheart, when you're a vampire you're more likely to have a better control over it." Carlisle smiled.

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, I've noticed that over time vampires adapt more and more to their gifts until they reach their peaks." Carlisle smiled happily at me.

"That sounds wonderful." I sighed wistfully.

"You know what also sounds nice?" Carlisle smirked. "You and Edward signing your marriage license." Carlisle laughed while he placed a pen and a large piece of thick paper on the counter.

"Now?" I asked.

"Well, you'll have to sign it now so I can get it processed before the weekend." Carlisle chuckled.

"So...does this mean that we'll be married, officially and everything?" I asked, my hand shaking slightly as I took the pen from Edward.

"You'll be married legally speaking, yes." Carlisle nodded and I put the pen to the paper, pausing as a vision suddenly hit me.

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