Chapter 1 - Then

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Author Note: I have written 3 stories already involving the same characters. But I keep changing it. I hope this is the last time I decide to change it and hope that I can stick to it and finish writing my story. If you have any ideas, I definitely need some so you should comment at the bottom. One more thing, I have no imagination and I love the walking dead so you might find somethings similar to the show.


     A small restaurant sat at the edge of a large city, surrounded by many tall buildings. The restaurant was still and silent except for a small room at the very back where Valerie, an 18 year old girl with brown eyes and hair collected her things from her locker "Are you sure you don't want me to walk you to the subway?" her boss asked, he was a small old man who was much like a father to her now, he wore an old tattered jacket and a derby hat which covered his thin white hair "No Mr.Brenner, its just a 15 minute walk to the subway" Valerie said. Mr. Brenner looked at her through his thick round glasses "You're sure? Even with that sickness spreading around? It's been getting worse, and they have been attacking others" he said, Valerie sighed "I'm sure" she twisted her dark brown hair into a bun, securing it with a metal chopstick and hugged him "Oh alright, but please be careful" he said, patting her shoulder.

     Valerie stayed a while after Mr. Brenner had left and made sure everything was ready for the next day. She turned off the lights and locked the door, leaving her in the cool night air. Not much later, Valerie sat on a plastic seat on the subway, a good handful of people filled the seats around her. One person that had caught her attention was a homeless man who was staring at her. Valerie couldn't help but feel shaken by his gaze, she shuffled around in her seat and pulled her phone out of her bag. The homeless man let out a loud and painful cough, Valerie looked up and watched as the man lay his head back in exhaustion, in his hand rest a crumpled up cloth in which he had recently coughed in, she stared closer at the rust colored stains splattered on the rag.

     A man sitting next to Valerie was watching a news channel on his phone, two people, a man and a woman were talking about this sickness or infection which had spread rapidly throughout the world. No one knew what it was or how it came to be, but one theory had stated that it could have been a mutated form of rabies. This infection had caused many to come back to life, hungry for human flesh. Valerie wasn't sure how to feel about it all, she was scared for Mr. Brenner who was often worried for his wife who had become infected just yesterday. A bite or a scratch lead to a terrible fever and eventually death.

     Valerie had almost fallen onto the man as the subway jolted and came to a stop. She sat in her seat, watching many starting to yell and walk around trying to open the doors. The homeless man fell asleep, untroubled by this. Sweat dripped from his face, soaking his hat and sweater. Valerie felt guilt and went to wake him up to try and help him in some way. She tapped his shoulder, he was cold. She began to softly shake him. Is he dead? She pressed her two fingers onto the side of his neck feeling no pulse, she did find a bandage peeking from beneath his sweater. She looked around, wondering if anyone else noticed. Valerie leaned close and gently lifted up the bandage, underneath was a bite wound. He was infected. She yelled to anyone listening "Help, he's infected!" some heard her but were too busy finding out what caused the subway to stop and calling for help.

     The lights went out and dull red lights lit up. This did nothing but create an unsettling atmosphere throughout the subway car. Valerie turned on the flashlight on her phone along with others. She looked around looking for anything that could help. The light shined onto the face of the homeless man, he opened his mouth, letting out a rotting smell that almost caused Valerie to gag. The phone was knocked out of her hand as she was pinned to the ground by the man. His eyes were empty and he let out a low groan as blood dripped from his mouth onto her cheek. She screamed "Help!" causing the many lights to shine on her. Her arms burned as she tried to push him away, her heart beating fast.

     Her arms gave out, his teeth lightly brushed her skin as he was pulled away by a man wearing a suit. The man fell to the ground and started moving away from the old homeless man crawling towards him. Valerie stood still in shock, the only thing breaking her daze was the scream that came from the man in the suit. The homeless man had grabbed onto the other man's leg and ripped out a chunk of skin with his teeth. Valerie hesitated as she stood over both the homeless man and the man in the suit with the metal chopstick from her hair, "Kill him!" the man screamed, she rammed the chopstick into his back, nothing. Oh god, I'm so sorry she apologized in her mind. The homeless man turned around almost annoyed and snapped at her, the man in the suit managed to leap forward and grabbed the homeless man's arms.

     Valerie stared back into the pale dead eyes of the homeless man, he struggled in the other man's hold. She felt a cry or a scream escape as she stabbed the chopstick into the old man's eye. He stopped struggling and fell to the floor. Both Valerie and the man in the suit sat on the floor catching their breath, processing what happened. Everyone else stood and watched in horror, just as they had been doing that entire time. Her hands shook, covered in blood, her eyes felt hot and warm tears streamed down her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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