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 So sorry for not posting more, but I had really bad writers block and couldn't think of a good story to write for you guys. SO I came up with this one and sent it to one of my good friends, and she liked it, therefore, I am posting it! Hope you all enjoy, make sure you have a box of tissues with you!  Also thanks to Rubey for encouraging me to publish this one <3 

You and Taehyung had been dating for a little over five years now. On a nice Friday afternoon, Taehyung decided to take you out for a picnic in the park. "What's the special occasion Taetae?" you giggled a bit as you seen him with a mouth full of grapes. HE LOOKED LIKE A CHIPMUNK!! While chewing his grapes, he gently held both of your hands in his own, "I just wanted to spend sometime with my beautiful girlfriend" he said in a loving voice. You two had spent the entire day at the park until sundown. "Whoa..it looks so beautiful.." you were so mesmerized by the colors that you didn't notice Taehyung pull something out of his pocket. "It couldn't compare with you (Y/N)," he smiled softly at you, and cleared his throat "if always is forever..then lets be forever, always. The first time I met you, I couldn't take my eyes off of you.." You blushed like crazy and looked down a bit trying to hide your reddened face, "To this day, I still suffer from the same problem..would you make me the happiest guy in the world if I asked you to be my wife?" He said full of hope. You looked shocked at first, but then all of the emotions hit you all at once.."YES!! OMG YES TAEHYUNG!!" You practically pounced on him showering him with kisses.

A week later you went with your two best friends, Seokjin and Jungkook dress shopping.n"What do you guys think..?" You said sheepishly as you bit your lip. You were wearing a long, white, lace dress, sweat heart neck line, with a slim fit. Both boys looked at you with heart eyes, Jungkook snapping pictures as you were in each dress...this was your fifth dress, and you absolutely loved it.  "Stunning..absolutely stunning. I'm sure Taehyung will love it too!" Seokjin said. Jungkook basically said the same but with some flirty ness in his voice,  Seokjin playfully smacked his arm. "Alright, its settled then..I'M GETTING MARRIED!! 

Taehyung got a text message from Jungkook, a picture was attached to it..it was you in your wedding dress. You may know it is bad luck for the groom to see you in the wedding dress, but what you didnt know is that Taehyung has been battling leukemia, its stage four..he only told Jungkook because he knew he could be trusted with such a heart breaking secret. Taehyung smiles at his phone ans saves the picture. Later that week he goes and gets his suit. Black and Lavender, Lavender being your favorite color. He knew he was getting worse each month, and by being married to the love of his life, he knew he would die a happy, married man. 

The day before the wedding was hell. You were so nervous that you got sick a few times and decided to take a nap and see how you felt after. "(Y/N)!! (Y/N) WAKE UP I NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL! SOMETHING IS WRONG!!" Taehyung yelled as he fell in the floor half out of breath. You didn't know what was going on but you called Jungkook and told him to meet you at the hospital..you called 911 and waited for them to arrive.  

Once you were at the hospital you paced the halls hour by hour.."Mrs. Kim?" You looked up from your chair, tear stains visable on your face. "Is Taehyung okay?! What's going on? What's wrong with him?? I have to see my baby!!" You got a little loud, the doctor trying to calm you as you burst through the door to find him hooked up to so many machines..it broke your heart to see him like this. You rushed over to him, holding his hand "Taehyung, baby, are you okay? Whats wrong..." You stared to cry again, and you didn't understand why it had to be him. Taehyung looked at you with a faint smile..as he coughed, he picked  his hand up and brushed the tears away. "(Y/N)..please don't cry.. I'll be okay.." the heart moniter going a little faster than you would like it to..and Taehyung getting more out of breath "At least I got to see my baby girl in a wedding dress.." 

You wake up in a panic, crying, still remembering those vivid moments you had seen three years ago. "Shhh baby it's okay..it's okay..I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere..I promise.." Jungkook said as he held you trying to calm you down.You visit his grave almost everyday, with a small child in your arms. "Today was a  terrible day Taehyung... Taegi kepts asking where he daddy was..and I had to tell her that he was watching over us..protecting us..I love you Kim Taehyung.."

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